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Pubs in Stocksbridge


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It's kind of old-fashioned (like all Stocksbridge pubs actually). It's dead in the daytime but gets really busy on a Friday night so it's clearly popular - not sure that necessarily means it's good. Maybe just that there's limited choice..?. Another one which I've noticed seems to fill up at the weekend is The Friendship on the main road. I wouldn't describe it as 'friendly' but to be honest they're all pretty much the same unless you know people in them aren't they?


Personally I prefer The Castle at Bolsterstone. It's where the Bolsterstone male voice choir go after their rehearsals if that gives you any idea about the ambience! It's really quiet (even when it's full) and not too smoky.


I suppose it really depends what you want in a pub. Personally I go to pubs to have a quiet chat with friends. You can't really do that in the Wragg on a Friday night but if you just want to get legless in a place that's full of people then it's perfect!


Have fun!

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