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David cameron u-turn denies britain eu referendum

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With fair weather friends like you no wonder they're on the brink of collapse!


"When it comes to our finances, I want here to set the record straight. When I took over, our financial situation was grave, and it remains difficult," he said.



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You asked which promises and I answered you and someone even provided a youtube link (the camera doesn’t lie) so then you start you usual tactic, change the subject and split hairs.


No one has yet commented on which powers have been handed to Brussels, so with your comment:


So Cameron made promises he couldn’t keep then.


You seem to be in the know, again I will ask, which powers have been taken from the UK and are now in the hands of Brussels?


Come on, its not that hard to answer such a straight question.

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Come on, its not that hard to answer such a straight question.


Instead of keep asking me why not ask Kirsty Buchanan and Leigh Phillips

of the Sunday Express or Nigel Farage of the UK independence party.





At the Council of Ministers, Europe’s prime ministers and presidents backed “a limited treaty change” to deliver tighter fiscal discipline across the EU and a permanent bail-out fund for members of the eurozone. The change will create an “economic government” for Europe.


Nigel Farage, frontrunner to lead the UK Independence Party, said: “It is one of the most massive power grabs they have ever attempted but because it is so devilishly complicated this might just sneak through by default. But make no mistake, these are draconian powers and without a shadow of a doubt this should trigger a referendum.”


Leaders are petrified that any change to the EU treaties would spark referendums in the UK, Ireland and the Netherlands.



Mr Cameron argues there will be no transfer of powers from Westminster to Brussels. He argues: “The key to a referendum is this question: Are we transferring powers. If yes, a referendum. If not, no referendum.”


Well he would wouldnt he :hihi:

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Instead of keep asking me why not ask Kirsty Buchanan and Leigh Phillips

of the Sunday Express or Nigel Farage of the UK independence party.


Well he would wouldnt he :hihi:


Still no detail on the powers being lost. From what I understand and many others too, this is about the eurozone and therefore does not effect the UK.


And to take Nigel Farage's comments as evidence and to then assume they are right over Cameron's, goes to show you are keen to find anyone who will back your claim rather then look at the issue in context. Even if that person is a bit of a loon.


I'm not defending Cameron, I just would like to know what exact powers are being transferred.

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