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Harridan Harm-man guilty of hate crime

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What is funny about all the vitriol for the Lib Dems coming from the Labour camp, is if they were offered a coalition deal by the Lib Dems today, Labour would snatch their hand off.


That’s right, nothing more than sour grapes on labours behalf. It’s all rather childish to say the least. I don't remember the conservatives being so juvenile when they lost office back in 1997.

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She knew exactly what she was saying tho' BF. It was a pre-written speech which she made at a big ticket high profile media saturated appearance. It would have been approved by endless party wonks and officials as well as herself. They ALL knew what she was saying. They aren't stupid. So what was their objective?


Well if it was a pre prepared speech and vetted by party officials, they clearly misjudged the mood of the nation. People who supposedly respect equality and champion the rights of minorities shouldn't be cavalier in their use of language..it's guaranteed to be seized upon by their opponents.

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Yes you are.


You advocated using tasers against people. No Liebore supporter has made such bilious comments as yours.


That was on a different thread, and on a different topic, as you well know. If you want to comment on that, then take it to the other thread instead of cross posting on to other threads.

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thing is its not really a "hate crime" is it, just a stupid politician who ran her mouth off just that little bit extra, without thinking


even tho most scottish people have red hair she wasnt actually saying hate scotland, attack scotland, all scots are scum, was she?


I bet a reference to the Labour leadership being occupied by dark haired dark eyed Levantine rodents would have caused you to take an apoplectic fit ?



Does Mrs Dromey still undertake pro bono legal work for campaigning paedophile groups?

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thing is its not really a "hate crime" is it, just a stupid politician who ran her mouth off just that little bit extra, without thinking


even tho most scottish people have red hair she wasnt actually saying hate scotland, attack scotland, all scots are scum, was she?


Genuine (open) question: why is it a crime to discriminate against someone due to the genes that determine their skin colour, but not hair colour?

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What a load of faux outrage, I doubt any of you are genuinely offended, you just pretend to be to have a go at Labour and Harman. You lot can be read like a pizza menu zzz.




Spot-on. As someone else has said, If it was a Tory / BNP type who'd said it all the mouth-foamers would have been attacking the outraged lefties by saying they were examples of PC gone mad!

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