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Cameron & Osborne looking after the vulnerable what a joke

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Well I have just read this article in the Mirror this morning and found a link to it on their website http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2010/10/31/wilf-s-sad-plight-damns-these-heartless-cuts-115875-22677438/

Cameron and Osborne can tell us they are looking after the vulnerable and only targetting the scroungers as much as they like but stories like this show how little they care about the ordinary people. They live in their big houses oblivious to the real world, in the article it says Iain Duncan Smith who is presiding over the cuts lives rent free in a 2 million pound mansion.To think that people such as Wilf who fought for this country and worked for it after the war paying their taxes for decades are treated makes me sick, shame on you Cameron and Osborne.:rant:

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it is the vulnerable/disabled that are going to suffer the most in todays politics they want to target the scroungers which represent 0.5 per cent of the welfare budget but to get the 0.5per cent the other percentages are really going to suffer with all the re applications and the medicals these people are ill and the beauracrats just dont care if they are pushed over the edge so to speak as there are so many people that go around moralising about there fellow man

and we all know someone that might be abusing the system I know a man that doesnt want work got kids and all says it dont pay him to work what utter <REMOVED> that is i know that his kids are not dressed right they cant go on school outings he is just bone idle

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