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Gingerism - why is this acceptable?

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I don't like it. I'm not ginger, but my dog is red (that's a technical word in dog-terms) and my son calls her ginger...


However, my friend's son is a redhead, pale and freckled, and I thoroughly dislike the comments that he has to endure. Why? What's the big deal about being pale/ginger/red-headed?

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I have been on the receiving end of blonde jokes for as along as I can remember. My old boss used to send them to me in email all the time. In fact, more than one poster on here has tried to discredit my line of thinking on some subjects because I'm a blonde. I just laugh. Danny Alexander let the "ginger rodent" comment roll off his back...good for him. I, for one, think ginger hair can be lovely.

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Ahhh I don't really get offended myself.....just can't get my head round why it's something that is seen as a joke.....


A joke about skin colour these days is almost the ultimate no no!! And a joke about a religion can cause hateful protest....but Harman will be back at her silly job tomorrow no doubt....


I sort of know where your coming from, but the same can be said about blonde jokes.

The Harman thing, was out of order because of who she is and where she choose to use the joke, surley somebody would be more professional in that situation? Your right there would be outrage if it would have been race or religion joke.

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You dont even have to be ginger to be called ginger! Im not ginger but Im called it all the time!

Of course I take it calmly and quietly but simply cant understand what makes people say it!


Oh, dear, what a shame, never mind! :hihi:

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