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Wood advice needed!

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Sorry if it's on the wrong page.


I've managed to get a section from a tree trunk that I want to turn into a table or some kind of furniture.


Need to know what it should be treated with to kill any bugs and is there anywhere I could take the wood to get it cut to level it and get it sanded smooth?



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um, if it were me, I think I'd have it inside the house drying - it'll still be quite damp in the garage. I've bought unplaned wood from timber yards and had it planed / thinned at Castle College (was doing a furniture course). Why not give the timber yards a call and see if they can help you when it's ready.

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um, if it were me, I think I'd have it inside the house drying - it'll still be quite damp in the garage. I've bought unplaned wood from timber yards and had it planed / thinned at Castle College (was doing a furniture course). Why not give the timber yards a call and see if they can help you when it's ready.


Don't really want it in the house as I don't want anything crawling from it!


I've stripped the bark off now and the garage is dry as a bone so hopefully it should be OK in a few days.


I was going to have a dig on the internet for a local timber yard and see what they can do.


Cheers for the advice.

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It maybe dry in the garage but it wont be warm in less you heat your garage. The difference is whilst it will dry out in your garage, once you take it into the house the temperature change will effect the timber and may split as has been said.


Whilst I understand you don't want anything crawling out of it, you need to keep it at room temperature why not leave it in the garage for a week then take it into the house for a few weeks.


You said a few days, no where near long enough. I bought some timber furniture from india a few years ago and was told it had spent 6 months in quarantine. Six month after having it delivered in the middle of the night i heard the crunching sound of wood my wife had been talking about and keeping her awake whilst i slept soundly. As soon as i heard it I recognized the sound of termites and had to dismantle the bed and put it outside at 3 am:(

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How long you should let timber dry after being felled and sawn depends on what sort of wood it is and how thick it is but generally you are talking at least a year. I would certainly leave it until after next summer (it will dry most in the summer). Position it so air can get to both sides (don't lay it flat on the floor - put it on battons and turn it over every few months). As has been said earlier, it may split. Also, as has been said earlier, try to keep it in the house environment for some weeks before using it.

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Urgh, GSJoinery that sounds like a hellish night...


Yeah, definitely let it dry in the house for some time. If you let it dry outside the house completely the wood would (haha) set in outside temp conditions. Then when you bring it inside, the dry wood would (not even funny) contract further, and when it's dry this would probably break the wood.


Would wood would wood.

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