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What age is too young for having your ears pierced?

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Any age under double figures is too young. Probably around 13 or 14 is ok, as most girls are on the edge of being adults then.


I saw a baby boy with a 'diamond' type stud the other day. Poor little mite. What the heck does a mother think of to give a baby a pierced ear. Babies should be having toys, not fashion accessories. :(

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I don't think there's a minimum age. Being a big fan of piercings I don't recoil in horror at young children having piercings, although I don't think I personally would get a baby pierced. But that's probably more to do with me being a tightwad :hihi: I'd have to be nagged into parting with the cash!


I wouldn't have it done with a gun though, so it would probably have to wait till my (potential future) daughter was well into her teens as I'm not sure if they accept young children at piercing studios :confused:

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I'd say under 10 is too young and 12+ is better. They need to make an informed decision and take care of them and it's only fair if they're prepared for the pain. It's ridiculous when people get their babies ears pierced, it's obviously for the parent not the kid and looks tacky, a baby doesn't need bling!

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Babies and toddlers with piercings is gross. Why any parent would want to take their baby and allow someone to mutilate them because they think it looks good is beyond me.


Agree with Gothic_Angel I wouldn't take a child to some nasty place where they use a gun in the window, yuk yuk! I've never had a gun piercing thank god!


I reckon about 10-12 minimum age seems sensible.

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