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Do you trust the BBC to tell the truth 100% of the time

Do you trust the BBC to tell the truth 100% of the time.  

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  1. 1. Do you trust the BBC to tell the truth 100% of the time.

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You really do have it in for the BBC, don't you?


I dislike any organisation that treats non-customers as guilty criminals. That uses threats to demand money with menaces.


The BBC and Sky cannot really be compared.


My point entirely. I was arguing that the BBC attempts to force people to pay for its content, through the use of threats, intimidation and frightening home invasions. SKY does not use such uncivilised methods to sell its packages.


There is nothing normal about a broadcaster that pays people to conduct searches of private homes against the will of the occupants. Such behaviour belongs in the dark ages...

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Well Mr friend of the workers who wants them all to watch Murdoch all day, most people would not say the BBC's programmes are mainly rubbish. Nor would they use the word swamp to describe it's integrity. Simple as that. My 'extreme' opinion is reflected in the millions behaviour e.g. liking the BBC and paying their licence.


For all your talk of integrity are you suggesting that Sky/ITV have greater integrity than the BBC? For all your talk of integrity you have used lies to bolster your argument.


"UK BBC tv licence fee payers - forced to give cash to the BBC so people in America don't have to"


032 - come back BBC all is forgiven


I think he's a white supremacist too. Just a hunch.

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I dislike any organisation that treats non-customers as guilty criminals. That uses threats to demand money with menaces.


My point entirely. I was arguing that the BBC attempts to force people to pay for its content, through the use of threats, intimidation and frightening home invasions. SKY does not use such uncivilised methods to sell its packages.


There is nothing normal about a broadcaster that pays people to conduct searches of private homes against the will of the occupants. Such behaviour belongs in the dark ages...


So, another question for you, which I'm hoping you'll answer but I've not got my hopes up... What do you suggest the BBC does about it? How do they ensure that people like yourself who only watches programmes on iPlayer/other on demand services, or round other people's houses aren't harrased and intimidated, but those who are illegally watching television are made to pay the licence fee?


Oh, and when answering, remember your own posts - the licence fee is not a licence to watch BBC programmes, it's a licence to watch broadcast television - so don't start going on about opting out of watching the BBC when that's not what the TV licence is for, just because the fee goes (mostly) to the BBC, it's not a payment for a service.

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Well he seems a mix of ultra market views while apparently standing up for the rights of ordinary people from a leftist/anarchist standpoint. The people should have rights to advert filled channels selling them capitalisms products.

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My point entirely. I was arguing that the BBC attempts to force people to pay for its content, through the use of threats, intimidation and frightening home invasions. ..


Sainsburys use similarly intimidatory tactics, as I've told you previously.


If you don't use the BBC's products, you owe them nothing and you have nothing to fear. If you do watch BBC TV you have a legal resposibility to pay for it.


You might want to consider making a donation to cover any use of BBC radio, or bbc.co.uk that you incur. It would be the socially responsible thing to do:)

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the BBC should be privatised and sold off,its so far left its untrue.


Who should it be sold to?


Pravda might buy it... Do you feel lucky?

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the BBC should be privatised and sold off,its so far left its untrue.


Why? Because it didn't do Blair's bidding over the war? When I watched Andrew Marr interrogate Brown while kissing Camerons bottom I didn't see a leftie channel. Did you know Nick Robinson was Chair of the Tories at his university?


Maybe it goes in cycles. In 1984 the BBC portrayed the Battle of Orgreave out of sync to show the miners starting it. The actual unedited footage later used in court to get the riot charges dropped showed the police starting it. Angela Ripon at the same time referred to trade unionists as extremists on the news.


With all the printed media bar a couple being right wing, Sky being right wing and ITV advertiser influenced then maybe the BBC being centre leftish is no problem? I would argue it hovers around the centre according to the individual on the screen at the time.

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