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Do you trust the BBC to tell the truth 100% of the time

Do you trust the BBC to tell the truth 100% of the time.  

121 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you trust the BBC to tell the truth 100% of the time.

    • Yes
    • No

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Why? Because it didn't do Blair's bidding over the war? When I watched Andrew Marr interrogate Brown while kissing Camerons bottom I didn't see a leftie channel. Did you know Nick Robinson was Chair of the Tories at his university?


Maybe it goes in cycles. In 1984 the BBC portrayed the Battle of Orgreave out of sync to show the miners starting it. The actual unedited footage later used in court to get the riot charges dropped showed the police starting it. Angela Ripon at the same time referred to trade unionists as extremists on the news.


With all the printed media bar a couple being right wing, Sky being right wing and ITV advertiser influenced then maybe the BBC being centre leftish is no problem? I would argue it hovers around the centre according to the individual on the screen at the time.



its never been centre ground even their own man admited as much, its left wing multicultural pro EU pro arab anti Israel and needs to be sold off.

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lol hello sibon,so now im a commie make your mind up last time I was NAZI:hihi:




My mind is made up.


Did you not understand the question?

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yes of course but like you said your mind is already made up isnt it.;)


If you understood the question, perhaps you could answer it, rather than posting crap.


I'll simplify it for you;


Who would you like to buy the BBC?

Would you be happy for a Communist News Agency to buy it?

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its never been centre ground even their own man admited as much, its left wing multicultural pro EU pro arab anti Israel and needs to be sold off.


With such a large number of staff, editors and presenters I don't see how it can be simply classed as right wing. It wasn't very pro arab when it refused to broadcast the Gaza appeal. A lot of people complain the BBC is 'run by jews'! It's '50 Years War: Israel and the Arabs' documentary had long interviews with both sides, both of whom were happy with it. As for pro EU, we are in it and no political movement has ever challenged it significantly so it's only natural the national broadcaster reflects this. Sold off? Looking at Berlusconi's Italy convinces me that would be a disaster.

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Sainsburys use similarly intimidatory tactics, as I've told you previously.


I don't believe you. And I suspect most people reading this don't believe you either.


To prove that I am completely incorrect, please provide evidence for Sainsbury's:


1.) Sending households that do not shop at the supermarket sustained letter campaigns, with rising levels of threat.


2.) A Sainsbury's sinister poster and television campaign aimed at non-customers boasting "We know where you live", and "It's all in the database..." Or something similar.


3.) Non-customers receiving doorstep visits warning of the dangers of ending up with a criminal record and large fine if they do not permit Sainsbury's salesmen into their private homes to conduct a room-to-room search, against their will.


4.) A Sainsbury's report that labels 1.3 million properties, or more, as "evaders - criminals" without any evidence. For if any evidence existed the people living in these properties would be prosecuted.


I don't know what it is that you have got against Sainsbury's, but its sales methods are nothing like those used by BBC TV Licensing. Do you regularly invent material to support your arguments? It's a habit you should really try and kick.

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Those who defend the aggressive and insulting methods used by the BBC have allowed their quality of debate to sink into the gutter.


Why am I not at all surprised?


And you are a clean, honest campaigner for a noble cause? Despite your many whoppers, the most hilarious being:


UK BBC tv licence fee payers - forced to give cash to the BBC so people in America don't have to.


Interviewer - 032 - come back BBC all is forgiven


You should have disappeared from this forum by now having exposed yourself and your extreme agenda in this way. Do the honourable thing boy.

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You should have disappeared from this forum by now having exposed yourself and your extreme agenda in this way. Do the honourable thing boy.




"Our Enforcement Division has identified that there is no record of a TV licence at your address, and that you may therefore be watching or recording television programme services without a valid licence.


Enforcement Officers have been authorised by us to visit your address to interview you under caution in compliance with the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE)."


The above text is taken from an actual letter sent out by BBC TV Licensing. It automatically assumes that the occupant is breaking the law. The envelope it came in is marked "URGENT - IMPORTANT INFORMATION INSIDE". Although I searched the envelope and only found marketing material on how to purchase a BBC TV licence.


And yet I am supposedly the extremist for shining a light on such uncivilised, unnatural behaviour? It is telling that you prefer for me to vanish from this site, rather than try to convince me (and others) of the errors of my analysis of the BBC? That you have failed abysmally is evident in the percentage of those who mistrust the Corporation at the top of this page...

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Well if you see that percentage as any big deal then you are a wally. people like Magilla voted no!


Your values mean that those letters are intimidating and evil but most people aren't locked in a perpetual war with TVLA. There's a reason for that.


I prefer you to vanish because you are a sixth form politician, ignoring inconvenient facts and blowing out of all proportion anything which aids your cause. Trying to con readers that we pay for Americans to watch the BBC is so tabloid it's hilarious yet you pose as a serious person. Why?


As for me, most on the forum agree with me as do most in the country, I don't need to convince anyone. Who have you convinced?

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