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The People Who Create Conspiracy Theories - Your Opinion?

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86% near enough,

According to the new New York Times/CBS News poll, only 16% of Americans think the government is telling the truth about 9/11 and the intelligence prior to the attacks:

"Do you think members of the Bush Administration are telling the truth, are mostly telling the truth but hiding something, or are they mostly lying?


Telling the truth 16%

Hiding something 53%

Mostly lying 28%

Not sure 3%"

"90% of americans now believe its a cover up....says it all"


Well, your maths has some holes in it too. You've admitted distorting the truth when you claimed 90%, now you say 86%.


Let's see:


100% - 16% usually comes to 84%.

53% + 28% makes 81%


And I'm pretty sure that 'hiding something' doesn't mean they think it's a huge cover up, so that leaves us with 28% who do. According to one poll at least.

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What about the downing of Pan Am Fight 103 over Lockerbie. Only SIX months earlier, the USS Vincennes had blown up an Iranian airliner, Air Flight 655, killing all 290 passengers and crew aboard, including 66 children, over the Strait of Hormuz. The US were allies with IRAQ at that time, who were at war with Iran. The Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khomein threatened at the time, that the incident would be avenged "in blood-spattered skies", if the US did not apologise. They didn't. The black box was never found. The US would have found it, in the shallow waters of the Gulf and hey presto, six months later Lockerbie. Libya was blamed, but Syria was the likely country, They blamed Libya because they needed Syria on their side, when the US turned on SADDAM, a few years later!

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The really tiresome but telling detail for me is that if someone doesn't buy into the CT, they're automatically branded sheep who immediately believe the official line on everything, who have no critical faculties and question nothing. It's such all or nothing thinking, and totally counter to the posting history of many of those who are branded 'sheep'. There is sensible, healthy skepticism aplenty. There are also professionals who are far more qualified to comment on the 'evidence' that's been covered up or lied about, and they just get dismissed. It's also possible to doubt some of the details - like whether Flight 93 was actually shot down - without going the whole hog and taking it way beyond the limits of feasibility.


CTs often seem to rely on scenarios that just don't fit with what we know of human nature. The sheer numbers who have to be in on it, the lengths people would have to go to betray their family's trust or pretend that they were dead. CTers also don't care that their extravagant scenarios contain implications that are quite obnoxious and disrespectful to those directly affected by the tragedies. There's something very reckless about it all.

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What about the downing of Pan Am Fight 103 over Lockerbie. Only SIX months earlier, the USS Vincennes had blown up an Iranian airliner, Air Flight 655, killing all 290 passengers and crew aboard, including 66 children, over the Strait of Hormuz. The US were allies with IRAQ at that time, who were at war with Iran. The Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khomein threatened at the time, that the incident would be avenged "in blood-spattered skies", if the US did not apologise. They didn't. The black box was never found. The US would have found it, in the shallow waters of the Gulf and hey presto, six months later Lockerbie. Libya was blamed, but Syria was the likely country, They blamed Libya because they needed Syria on their side, when the US turned on SADDAM, a few years later!


This is a more interesting one and there is a Private Eye special on it by Paul Foot which is hard to find. However why would Syria want to blow up the plane? Why did Iran not do it themselves?

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There's something very reckless about it all.


Mr Swire, the father who lost a daughter in the Lockerbie plane disaster, has led a 20-year + campaign to find out the truth about the Lockerbie attack. He does NOT believe that ABDUL AL MAGRAHI was ever guilty. He defended the request from the alleged bomber to be released on compassionate grounds!!!

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This is a more interesting one and there is a Private Eye special on it by Paul Foot which is hard to find. However why would Syria want to blow up the plane? Why did Iran not do it themselves?


There was a channel 4 dispatches programme on the very subject. It even went into how the bomb got on the plane in Hamburg. Briefcases were unknowingly switched with CIA briefcase that was destined to go on a plane UNCHECKED, something to do with Sierra Leone. If you check on the internet, it does explain in great detail and why Syria were involved.

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86% near enough,



According to the new New York Times/CBS News poll, only 16% of Americans think the government is telling the truth about 9/11 and the intelligence prior to the attacks:


"Do you think members of the Bush Administration are telling the truth, are mostly telling the truth but hiding something, or are they mostly lying?


Telling the truth 16%


Hiding something 53%


Mostly lying 28%


Not sure 3%"


A few things wrong with that, how many people were surveyed, the survey was done in NY I presume and not the entire US. Probably a specific area of NY too, maybe with people disillusioned by the government. Surveys can be targetted to achieve specific outcomes.

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A few things wrong with that, how many people were surveyed, the survey was done in NY I presume and not the entire US. Probably a specific area of NY too, maybe with people disillusioned by the government. Surveys can be targetted to achieve specific outcomes.


Oh indeed....


363 people from all incomes and backgrounds were polled and most thought Nick Clegg was the Antichrist.


363 people distributed across the country were polled and most thought the sun shone out of Cleggs backside.


I'll leave you to imagine the source for the second one... the first is easily possibly just by wandering around Brightside..

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Scientists from other parts of the world would be free to say whatever they liked about the way the building fell. Or do you think the CIA would abduct them in the night? There must have been many untouchable scientists around the world who would have loved to have stuck it to Bush. Have any really reputable people given evidence in support of the theories or is it just the usual suspects?


iranian president said recently


9/11 was inside job.


basically we can argue, and type till our fingers fall off we will never know what is going on behind the scenes!


as for the comment about 90% sorry for upsetting you... 50 + % said they are hiding something! which means, they are losing or lost trust in the people! end of!


Obama Yes we can speech, was laughable also!


americans are finally waking up to the fact they are being led on by the corrupt bankers/money men ( rothschilds + rockerfeller families)


Dont bother replying I aint inputting no more in this thread, my head hurts from all the BS!


I thought people from sheffield had brains...how wrong i was....sheep ville! it should be called!



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Oh indeed....


363 people from all incomes and backgrounds were polled and most thought Nick Clegg was the Antichrist.


363 people distributed across the country were polled and most thought the sun shone out of Cleggs backside.


I'll leave you to imagine the source for the second one... the first is easily possibly just by wandering around Brightside..



363 people from a population approaching 300,000,000 ... says it all

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