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The People Who Create Conspiracy Theories - Your Opinion?

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Dont bother replying I aint inputting no more in this thread, my head hurts from all the BS!


I thought people from sheffield had brains...how wrong i was....sheep ville! it should be called!



Well, if we're limited in the brains department, at least most of us can add up simple percentages.

Stick around, and you may learn how to do that.

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Mr Swire, the father who lost a daughter in the Lockerbie plane disaster, has led a 20-year + campaign to find out the truth about the Lockerbie attack. He does NOT believe that ABDUL AL MAGRAHI was ever guilty. He defended the request from the alleged bomber to be released on compassionate grounds!!!



The fact that you removed and ignored the rest of my post says a lot about the CT mindset. Go back to the first paragraph that you deleted from the quote:


The really tiresome but telling detail for me is that if someone doesn't buy into the CT, they're automatically branded sheep who immediately believe the official line on everything, who have no critical faculties and question nothing. It's such all or nothing thinking, and totally counter to the posting history of many of those who are branded 'sheep'. There is sensible, healthy skepticism aplenty. There are also professionals who are far more qualified to comment on the 'evidence' that's been covered up or lied about, and they just get dismissed. It's also possible to doubt some of the details ... without going the whole hog and taking it way beyond the limits of feasibility.


I removed the Flight 93 reference to clarify the underlying point in bold.


It's entirely possible to question the official version of events from a considered, evidence-based perspective. It's entirely possible that some things are covered up and that dirty tricks happen in politics. We know this, and cases regularly get investigated and exposed in the media. But most of the online CT crowd have no critical skills and ignore the straightforward explanations of any number of professionals if it doesn't match their script. Just because people don't get sucked in to the full-scale theories doesn't mean that they're incapable of assessing events with a skeptical but rational eye. It also doesn't mean that there are no cover ups, just that these things need to be seen on a case by case basis, with feet planted firmly on the ground of credible reality. It is not a case of all or nothing.

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My girlfriend believes none of you are real and exist only in the imagine of "Geoff" who has been sent to mess with my head


My mum used to say that if you had nothing worthwhile to say then say nothing. But then again my upbringing was probably better than yours.

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My girlfriend believes none of you are real and exist only in the imagine of "Geoff" who has been sent to mess with my head


Your girlfriend is a State Asset tasked to keep you in the dark, a task most girlfriends show an impressive aptitude for. :hihi:

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I have three main bugbears with the majority of "truthers", attributes which annoy me in most people, but that they generally have with abandon:


1) the "if you don't agree with me then you must therefore believe this unrelated thing" idea - see the "Do you trust the BBC 100%" thread where anyone who only trusts the BBC 99% is portrayed as someone who distrusts the BBC, or the various threads about Ian Huntley where anyone who doesn't support the idea of other inmates murdering him is accused of being a paedophile themselves.


2) the "I'm going to state this as fact, and anyone who disagrees is wrong, even though I've never actually researched it myself" - see the "Is the UK the only country to have daylight savings time" thread and the number of people who believe it is only us, and that it's a conspiracy by the Scots / other groups.


3) the "I've found this tiny nugget of information which doesn't totally correspond with the official report, therefore it must be more important than any other evidence" - see the result of the ONE comment by a casualty of the 7/7 attacks that the floor looked ripped.


Oh, and for a bonus 4) "Don't believe anything they tell us" - the best conspiracies are those which avoid detection by telling the truth 95% of the time in the reports, and only bend the truth the rest of the time. According to most truth seekers, we must not use any evidence presented in any official capacity, and it is only a definition of what has not happened. Further, anyone suggesting that something in one of those reports is true must immediately be labelled as either a government (or other official body's) pawn, or a sheep.

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I have three main bugbears with the majority of "truthers", attributes which annoy me in most people, but that they generally have with abandon:


1) the "if you don't agree with me then you must therefore believe this unrelated thing" idea - see the "Do you trust the BBC 100%" thread where anyone who only trusts the BBC 99% is portrayed as someone who distrusts the BBC, or the various threads about Ian Huntley where anyone who doesn't support the idea of other inmates murdering him is accused of being a paedophile themselves.


2) the "I'm going to state this as fact, and anyone who disagrees is wrong, even though I've never actually researched it myself" - see the "Is the UK the only country to have daylight savings time" thread and the number of people who believe it is only us, and that it's a conspiracy by the Scots / other groups.


3) the "I've found this tiny nugget of information which doesn't totally correspond with the official report, therefore it must be more important than any other evidence" - see the result of the ONE comment by a casualty of the 7/7 attacks that the floor looked ripped.


Oh, and for a bonus 4) "Don't believe anything they tell us" - the best conspiracies are those which avoid detection by telling the truth 95% of the time in the reports, and only bend the truth the rest of the time. According to most truth seekers, we must not use any evidence presented in any official capacity, and it is only a definition of what has not happened. Further, anyone suggesting that something in one of those reports is true must immediately be labelled as either a government (or other official body's) pawn, or a sheep.


That sums it all up very neatly dosxuk, nicely done.

It could be quite fun slotting all the conspfreak posts into their respective categories.

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i repeat - check out michael ruppert - an ex-lapd detective, who has written about and presented on the whole 'roadmap' of american neo-imperialism, and strategies of persuing the dwindling global energy supplies. 9/11 is just one part of it. He just investigated it all like a detective would. Top bloke.

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