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The People Who Create Conspiracy Theories - Your Opinion?

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p.s have a look at the FBI's most wanted list -you will find that Bin Laden is on there...but that there is no mention of 9/11. Why? 'lack of evidence'.




Now if they had proof that this dude was in it up to his eyeballs, sending videos and tapes out claiming responsibility...don't you think they'd mention it on there?

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the answer you seek was right in front of you if you read the page you linked to properly. In particular


The alleged terrorists on this list have been indicted by sitting Federal Grand Juries in various jurisdictions in the United States for the crimes reflected on their wanted posters. Evidence was gathered and presented to the Grand Juries, which led to their being charged. The indictments currently listed on the posters allow them to be arrested and brought to justice. Future indictments may be handed down as various investigations proceed in connection to other terrorist incidents, for example, the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.
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I've lost 6 pairs of black cotton gloves in the space of 3 months.. Conspiracy theory?.. Im not sure.. Don’t get me wrong, I like watching shows like the X files, fringe and now the event. But there all fabrication really.. Unless we can get some truth in the really world. A lot of it all is conspiracy because people cant handle the truth.

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I don't wish to get into arguments over the theories, but create a discussion about the people that create these theories, those that support/believe and what drives them to it.


It's a question of the difference between unofficial conspiracy theories and official conspiracy theories.


Like the WMD in Iraq conspiracy. Plenty of truthers there. And they were right! What drives anyone to uncover what they believe to be a conspiracy?


Robert Anton Wilson has a saying "What the thinker thinks, the prover proves". You are both the thinker and the prover, and when you think something is the case, you will see the evidence to support your beliefs. People like to think it works the other way round, but it doesn't.


This goes on in government, at the highest levels, whilst at the same time it drives fringe conspiracy theories too.


None of this means that conspiracies don't exist.


Anyone who believes that there is complete transparency in matters of national security, especially at a time of national crisis (11th Sept for example) is naive. There is always a cover up, someone has always screwed up.

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Anyone who believes that there is complete transparency in matters of national security, especially at a time of national crisis (11th Sept for example) is naive. There is always a cover up, someone has always screwed up.

Very true. In fact it's this very thing that makes a mockery of the outlandish claims coming from certain quarters. **** up is inevitable especially in large multi-faceted organisations and this alone makes it impossible for high level conspiracies to be planned as claimed.


It's difficult and impractical for a government to be totally transparent in all things, just as it's right that people should be able to meet in private for private discussions no matter how 'important' they are. It's terribly naive to think otherwise.

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Very true. In fact it's this very thing that makes a mockery of the outlandish claims coming from certain quarters. **** up is inevitable especially in large multi-faceted organisations and this alone makes it impossible for high level conspiracies to be planned as claimed.



One of the best conspiracy theories I ever came across was promulgated by Art Buchwald, and claimed that America's real secret agents and conspirators were the Department of Agriculture. The CIA's only role was to publicly and noisily **** things up, thus deflecting all attention from the DoA - which has an enormous budget and almost no scrutiny on how it gets spent.

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One of the best conspiracy theories I ever came across was promulgated by Art Buchwald, and claimed that America's real secret agents and conspirators were the Department of Agriculture. The CIA's only role was to publicly and noisily **** things up, thus deflecting all attention from the DoA - which has an enormous budget and almost no scrutiny on how it gets spent.


A **** up conspiracy. Oh my, that's glorious. The otters will be so proud.

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