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The People Who Create Conspiracy Theories - Your Opinion?

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Conspiracy Theories exist because governments kill as they please and silence people any way they feel appropriate. It happened, happens and will always happen.


Totalitarian regimes - eg Hilter, Stalin did that.


Any evidence for western democracies?

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Conspiracy Theories exist because the information about such incidents is always incomplete, or sounds partially or fully fictitious. People then come up with their own theory's, some of which sound way more plausible than the official explanation. These then take on a life of their own.


I think as long as you are open to both sides, and don't blindly follow either and make up your own mind, form your own opinions based on the actual facts and evidence then you should be fine :-)


It's weird how someone can make a documentary and completely convince people that what they are saying is fact. This doubly goes for programs like Panorama that are constantly trying to push their own agenda (BBC).


Just think of it like this: you (that's anyone) can completely make something up, and make a great convincing documentary about it. Just make sure you don't believe everything you see or hear (especially where the BBC is concerned, but that is a topic for another day!)

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Citaton please.


Citation please.


The classic false flag operation was the Gulf of Tonkin incident, used as justification for the American war on Vietnam. It's pretty well established that the incident was fabricated as a pretext to war.


So were the Weapons of Mass Destruction used as a pretext for the American war on Iraq.


But the conspiracy theories about the fabrication of the Holocaust and the 11/9 and 7/7 attacks being organised by big government rather than Islamic terrorists are just plain bonkers.


My favourite current conspiracy theory is about the Stone of Scone. Evidently a repro stone was used to install lizards as the British monarchy :shocked:



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  • 4 weeks later...
I don't wish to get into arguments over the theories, but create a discussion about the people that create these theories, those that support/believe and what drives them to it.


There's a great benefit to the Powers That Be (intentional or otherwise) in there being a proliferation of conspiracy theories. It promotes an automatic groupthink knee-jerk reaction to the discussion of any topic that strays even slightly away from the accepted worldview.


I've seen it in action, it's almost Pavlovian.


Unfortunately the wackier conspiracy theories obscure legitimate areas of study. Unfortunately for us the general public that is.


For example, for decades after the event, the US government steadfastly denied involvement in the 1953 coup that overthrew the legally elected Prime Minister of Iran (Mohammad Mossadegh) in favour of the Shah of Iran (Mohammad Reza Pahlavi). Anyone who tried to pin the blame on the CIA would doubtless have received comments about conspiracy theorists and "tin foil hats". They would probably get accused of being anti-American or something into the bargain.


And yet....


Obama admits US involvement in 1953 Iran coup


Of course if the true facts come out 50 years or more after the events, that's not much good to anyone, and no one really cares much about it. Shame the truth didn't emerge earlier but it's hard to get pass the "groupthink knee-jerk reaction".

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