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The People Who Create Conspiracy Theories - Your Opinion?

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True, but some conspiracy theories are credible and others, most are ridiculous. The idea that Bush destroyed the twin towers or that the UK government caused 7/7 are beyond belief.


JFK being assasinated by the CIA: possible

CIA murdered Bob Marley: possible

Moon landings faked: ridiculous

Governments know more about UFO's: certainly but why would they tell the masses, many of whom will explode with rage that it denies their religion?

NHS jabs are government control drugs: If you believe that you need sectioning


What other great conspiracy theories are there?

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I started a thread a year or so ago about this very subject, and I've just dug out my opening post....


Questioning is one thing - believing everything the government / media tell you is a lie is another - that is not questioning at all.


Again some people seem to cling to a belief that if something can't be proven 100% then their "theory" has equal validity (very much like the creationists).

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The people that go for these conspiracy theories I think sometimes feel guilty by association, and they don't want to accept that people they share a connection with (such as a shared religion) could do such terrible things. Rather than accept that there are bad people that they have something in common with, they'd rather try and make out it was nothing to do with their contemporaries, thereby absolving themselves of their shame and the guilt by association that they feel.

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The people that go for these conspiracy theories I think sometimes feel guilty by association, and they don't want to accept that people they share a connection with (such as a shared religion) could do such terrible things. Rather than accept that there are bad people that they have something in common with, they'd rather try and make out it was nothing to do with their contemporaries, thereby absolving themselves of their shame and the guilt by association that they feel.


That is an interesting point, I had never thought of it that far. I saw it simply as fiction being more exciting than the truth to some people but yes such theories could absolve guilt in those cases.

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The people that go for these conspiracy theories I think sometimes feel guilty by association, and they don't want to accept that people they share a connection with (such as a shared religion) could do such terrible things. Rather than accept that there are bad people that they have something in common with, they'd rather try and make out it was nothing to do with their contemporaries, thereby absolving themselves of their shame and the guilt by association that they feel.


The main proponents of the 9/11 conspiracy theories in the USA are not Muslims. The main proponents of conspiracy theories on SF certainly don't appear to be Muslims.


Many people will defend their community / faith when we get the sweeping generalisations that we get on here - like all muslims support terrorism or all council house tenants are scroungers.

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The main proponents of the 9/11 conspiracy theories in the USA are not Muslims. The main proponents of conspiracy theories on SF certainly don't appear to be Muslims.


Many people will defend their community / faith when we get the sweeping generalisations that we get on here - like all muslims support terrorism or all council house tenants are scroungers.


I may be wrong here but didn't Cameron do a tour of mosques a few years back and was shocked to discover most attendees believed the conspiracies? And no I have no anti muslim agenda either, I was surprised to read it too.

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Citaton please.


Citation please.


Citation 1 http://www.historyonthenet.com/Nazi_Germany/reichstag_fire.htm


citation 2 "Further, the process of transformation,

even if it brings revolutionary change, is

likely to be a long one, absent some

catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a

new Pearl Harbor." taken from http://www.newamericancentury.org/RebuildingAmericasDefenses.pdf


And not a dodgy youtube video in sight...

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I may be wrong here but didn't Cameron do a tour of mosques a few years back and was shocked to discover most attendees believed the conspiracies? And no I have no anti muslim agenda either, I was surprised to read it too.


A quick google (and these might not be the most representative) would suggest that it isn't a majority of Muslims - although whether regular mosque attenders are different I couldn't say.





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Have any of you heard of the Bilderberg Group, which meets every year; an un-official, invitation-only conference of around 130 guests, most of whom are people of influence in the fields of politics, banking, business, the military and media. The conferences are closed to the public and the media! They have been accused of conspiring to impose a world government and planned economy.

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Have any of you heard of the Bilderberg Group, which meets every year; an un-official, invitation-only conference of around 130 guests, most of whom are people of influence in the fields of politics, banking, business, the military and media. The conferences are closed to the public and the media! They have been accused of conspiring to impose a world government and planned economy.


Yes we have - many times - it is not news.


I'd be more concerned if world leaders etc didn't get together occasionally to exchange ideas.

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