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The People Who Create Conspiracy Theories - Your Opinion?

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No, what is the point on having the same argument on different threads? If you want to argue about 9/11 argue about it on the correct thread.


I don't wish to debate 9/11 or I would have gone to that thread long ago. Conspiracy theories are not just 9/11, you know.

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You DON'T have to look far to find that there are MANY questions. Look at the Pentagon and the size of the hole compared to the size of the so called plane that hit it. Tower 7. The very little debris on the ground and small crater left after the Philadelphia plane had supposedly been downed. But check the science behind how buildings fall and how hot, steel has to be to melt and how high a temp is generated from burning aviation fuel, which burnt within seconds of the impact. Explosions heard before towers actually fall and puffs of smoke where the detonaters had been placed on the floors as the towers and Tower 7, fell.


I don't wish to debate 9/11 or I would have gone to that thread long ago. Conspiracy theories are not just 9/11, you know.


Looks like you do to me...

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Regarding how conspiracy theories are created, back in my teens a mate and I decided to randomly pick two subjects and link them together into a conspiracy. We went for Titanic and Freemasons, and managed to concoct a rather reasonable theory that the freemasons sank the Titanic with a torpedo in a bid to disgrace the designer of it who had recently turned his back on them. Even better was that with a bit of reading and delving through our local library, we actually managed to kind of prove all this was possible (including looking at how the 'iceberg hole' was more like explosive impact damage from a torpedo).


Obviously everything we crafted together was total rubbish, but it was enough to then convince the rest of our mates, of which some still subscribe to the idea that the freemasons sank the great ship!


This, to me, is a perfect reason why I take every conspiracy theory, regardless of how well presented their 'free youtube video' is, with a huge dose of salt. You can "prove" anything is real, so long as you are convincing enough in the lies.

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Have any proper scientists come forward to say any of that?


The only conspiracy I believe re 911 is the one that passenger planes were shot down by the air force. I read that witnesses on the ground saw this. They later went quiet and stories emerged that heroic passengers downed the planes instead. Though that could be a load of cobblers too but my instincts tell me that part is true.


Have Al Quaeda or anyone on that side come forward to say that 911 wasn't them? If they had denied it convincingly that could have brought down the Bush regime. It appears at least they were happy to claim responsibility for the lot.


Scientist that know about this type of thing will never come forward to prove that the towers could not have fallen due to the impact, fuel of the planes. They would most definately be silenced!


The firefighters some where interviewed saying they were controlled explosions going off before/during and just as the towers where falling, hmm those firefighters since changed their stories and gave a more lets say 'scripted' account of the events!


The truth will never be told!


90% of americans now believe its a cover up....says it all

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Scientist that know about this type of thing will never come forward to prove that the towers could not have fallen due to the impact, fuel of the planes. They would most definately be silenced!


The firefighters some where interviewed saying they were controlled explosions going off before/during and just as the towers where falling, hmm those firefighters since changed their stories and gave a more lets say 'scripted' account of the events!


The truth will never be told!


90% of americans now believe its a cover up....says it all


Do they? Where have you got that information from?

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Do they? Where have you got that information from?


86% near enough,



According to the new New York Times/CBS News poll, only 16% of Americans think the government is telling the truth about 9/11 and the intelligence prior to the attacks:


"Do you think members of the Bush Administration are telling the truth, are mostly telling the truth but hiding something, or are they mostly lying?


Telling the truth 16%


Hiding something 53%


Mostly lying 28%


Not sure 3%"

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Scientist that know about this type of thing will never come forward to prove that the towers could not have fallen due to the impact, fuel of the planes. They would most definately be silenced!


The firefighters some where interviewed saying they were controlled explosions going off before/during and just as the towers where falling, hmm those firefighters since changed their stories and gave a more lets say 'scripted' account of the events!


The truth will never be told!


90% of americans now believe its a cover up....says it all


Scientists from other parts of the world would be free to say whatever they liked about the way the building fell. Or do you think the CIA would abduct them in the night? There must have been many untouchable scientists around the world who would have loved to have stuck it to Bush. Have any really reputable people given evidence in support of the theories or is it just the usual suspects?

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