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Did I just hear right? Giving prisoners a vote??

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there was no point.


there was just a statement presented as fact when actually it was opinion.




Buggery Act 1533 - Henry VIII made buggery an offence punishable by death.


Offences Against the Person Act 1861 (Section 61) The punishment for buggery is changed from hanging to life imprisonment.


Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885 (Section 11) - Buggery laws are extended to include all sexual activity between males.


Sexual Offences Act 1967 - Homosexual acts become legal between 2 males over 21 in private.


Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 (Section 145) - Gay sex becomes legal at the age of 18.


Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 2000 (section 5) - Gay sex becomes legal at the age of 16 and for the first time in British law lesbian sex is mentioned and is legal from the age of 16.


Back in 1275 it was a little bit naughty to rape a woman under 12, illegal in fact.


Rape Act 1275


1275 (3 Edw. 1) C A P. XIII.


THESE be the Acts of King EDWARD, Son to King HENRY, made at Westminster at his first Parliament general after his Coronation, on the Mondayof Easter Utas, the third Year of his Reign, by his Council, and the Assent of Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots, Priors, Earls, Barons, and all the Commonalty of the Realm being thither summoned, because our Lord the King had great Zeal and Desire to redress the State of the Realm in such Things as required Amendment, for the common Profit of holy Church, and of the Realm: And because the State of[1] the holy Church had been evil kept, and the Prelates and religious Persons of the Land grieved many ways, and the People otherwise intreated than they ought to be, and the Peace less kept, and the Laws less used, and the Offenders less punished than they ought to be, by reason where of the People of the Land feared the less to offend; the King hath ordained and established these Acts underwritten, which he intendeth to be necessary and profitable unto the whole Realm.


That Punishment of him that doth ravish a Woman.


22 Ed. 4. 22. Co. Lit. 123. b. 2 Inst. 180. 12 Co. 37. Hob. 91.

Altered by 13 Ed. 1. stat. 1. c. 34. which makes it Felony. And farther, by 6 R. 2. stat. 1. c. 6. which ordains the Penalties where a Woman consents. And see 18 Eliz. c. 7. which takes away Clergy from this Offence: Likewise the 4th Sect. of the same Stat. which makes it Felony without Clergy to have carnal Knowledge of Woman Child under ten Years of Age.

AND the King prohibiteth that none do ravish, nor take away by Force, any Maiden within Age (neither by her own Consent, nor without) nor any Wife or Maiden of full Age, nor any other Woman against her Will;

(2) and if any do, at his Suit that will sue within fourty Days, the King shall do common Right;

(3) and if none commence his Suit within fourty Days, the King shall sue;

(4) and such as be found culpable, shall have two Years Imprisonment, and after shall fine at the King's Pleasure;

(5) and if they have not whereof, they shall be punished by longer Imprisonment, according as the Trespass requireth.


1576 having sex with a consenting 10 year old was 'rape' and illegal.


1886, you had to be under 24 to have sex with (share carnal knowledge) a 13-16 year old.


In 1992 it was made illegal to rape your wives.






As you can see by looking back through history, the law changes.


The homosexual criminals of yesterday now have the right to vote.

And the law abiding men having it off with children, now do not.


That is, if they have been jailed.


How would they vote wrt to party political stance upon the law wrt sex between men women and children.


If you put homosexuals in jail and deny them the right to vote, they are not going to vote for parties that recommend homosexuality be legalised.

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so at 18 automatically people become mature enough to vote.


Are people who have murdered mature? Do they show the empathy required to vote for what they think is good for society?


Anyway the fact that they are excluded proves that we do not have a universal vote and we have never had a universal vote. Therefore we cannot use the fact that voting is a universal right to decide to allow people in jail the vote.


Are people with mental/learning disabilities allowed to vote? (this is a question not a point I am trying to make) I take it you have to be mentally "able"?



It's my understanding that those sectioned in a psychiatric unit lose the right to vote. Edit only if they they are sectioned under certain sections of the 1983 Mental Health Act.



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Buggery Act 1533 - Henry VIII made buggery an offence punishable by death.


Offences Against the Person Act 1861 (Section 61) The punishment for buggery is changed from hanging to life imprisonment.


Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885 (Section 11) - Buggery laws are extended to include all sexual activity between males.


Sexual Offences Act 1967 - Homosexual acts become legal between 2 males over 21 in private.


Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 (Section 145) - Gay sex becomes legal at the age of 18.


Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 2000 (section 5) - Gay sex becomes legal at the age of 16 and for the first time in British law lesbian sex is mentioned and is legal from the age of 16.


Back in 1275 it was a little bit naughty to rape a woman under 12, illegal in fact.


Rape Act 1275


1275 (3 Edw. 1) C A P. XIII.


THESE be the Acts of King EDWARD, Son to King HENRY, made at Westminster at his first Parliament general after his Coronation, on the Mondayof Easter Utas, the third Year of his Reign, by his Council, and the Assent of Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots, Priors, Earls, Barons, and all the Commonalty of the Realm being thither summoned, because our Lord the King had great Zeal and Desire to redress the State of the Realm in such Things as required Amendment, for the common Profit of holy Church, and of the Realm: And because the State of[1] the holy Church had been evil kept, and the Prelates and religious Persons of the Land grieved many ways, and the People otherwise intreated than they ought to be, and the Peace less kept, and the Laws less used, and the Offenders less punished than they ought to be, by reason where of the People of the Land feared the less to offend; the King hath ordained and established these Acts underwritten, which he intendeth to be necessary and profitable unto the whole Realm.


That Punishment of him that doth ravish a Woman.


22 Ed. 4. 22. Co. Lit. 123. b. 2 Inst. 180. 12 Co. 37. Hob. 91.

Altered by 13 Ed. 1. stat. 1. c. 34. which makes it Felony. And farther, by 6 R. 2. stat. 1. c. 6. which ordains the Penalties where a Woman consents. And see 18 Eliz. c. 7. which takes away Clergy from this Offence: Likewise the 4th Sect. of the same Stat. which makes it Felony without Clergy to have carnal Knowledge of Woman Child under ten Years of Age.

AND the King prohibiteth that none do ravish, nor take away by Force, any Maiden within Age (neither by her own Consent, nor without) nor any Wife or Maiden of full Age, nor any other Woman against her Will;

(2) and if any do, at his Suit that will sue within fourty Days, the King shall do common Right;

(3) and if none commence his Suit within fourty Days, the King shall sue;

(4) and such as be found culpable, shall have two Years Imprisonment, and after shall fine at the King's Pleasure;

(5) and if they have not whereof, they shall be punished by longer Imprisonment, according as the Trespass requireth.


1576 having sex with a consenting 10 year old was 'rape' and illegal.


1886, you had to be under 24 to have sex with (share carnal knowledge) a 13-16 year old.


In 1992 it was made illegal to rape your wives.






As you can see by looking back through history, the law changes.


The homosexual criminals of yesterday now have the right to vote.

And the law abiding men having it off with children, now do not.


That is, if they have been jailed.


How would they vote wrt to party political stance upon the law wrt sex between men women and children.


If you put homosexuals in jail and deny them the right to vote, they are not going to vote for parties that recommend homosexuality be legalised.


I never denied the law changes, I just wondered why you brought it up-Im still wondering.


I dont know what homosexuals have to do with it, we don't have laws against consenting adults having sex and children cannot vote anyway so they won't be affected if they get sent to jail for having sex underage (which I dont think happens either).

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I never denied the law changes, I just wondered why you brought it up-Im still wondering.


I dont know what homosexuals have to do with it, we don't have laws against consenting adults having sex and children cannot vote anyway so they won't be affected if they get sent to jail for having sex underage (which I dont think happens either).


I think that he's pointing out to you that it's possible to be a criminal without being a bad, evil, or immoral person.

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I think that he's pointing out to you that it's possible to be a criminal without being a bad, evil, or immoral person.


Also that is possible to go from being law abiding to criminal and then back again. Potentially having, losing and gaining the right to vote. And being only allowed to vote in favour of something when it is legal.

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Also that is possible to go from being law abiding to criminal and then back again. Potentially having, losing and gaining the right to vote. And being only allowed to vote in favour of something when it is legal.


you are aware that it is 2010 and quoting the laws from 1562 is not relevant as no-one has lived that long.


Other than mistaken identity I can't think of reason now, why someone would be in jail even though they are a law abiding and moral person?

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