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Must be good but cheap!

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When people ask for someone who can repair their car cheaply I usually respond with 'don't you want someone who will do the job right as a first priority?' because I don't care how cheaply I get the job done if the result is that the car is a death trap.

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This is the best one yet: "Handyman wanted for very small easy job that won't take long". (that line's a killer in itself):hihi:


What needs doing mate?


Clearing and removing all garden rubbish and jet washing my patio. Is £15 ok?


Absolutly, but that just about covers my transport costs, ya muppet.:roll:

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'Buy cheap ... buy twice!' is my motto. Same rule applies to everything.

Who in their right mind would want to be strapped into the top of a NASA space rocket knowing it has over a million parts ... all made at the lowest possible price?

Look what happened to Challenger when they used the cheapest gasket manufacturer!

Bit of an extreme example I know, but there's a reason why you can buy a 100g bar of 'chocolate' for 60p and another bar of chocolate for £2.

Some people just don't understand the difference.

Same rule for trades people too. If you go for the cheapest quote, you're bound to end up upset, by the time the job has been rectified it could well end up costing more than the dearer quote 'cos it will have to be done twice plus all the hassle and upset.

My pet hate is people who can't do their job properly!:gag:

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