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Bitterness: How do you deal with it?

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Re my bold.


Yes you do. :)


Stop beating yourself up for those feelings of negativity. The fact you are aware of them tells me you are on the right track.


Love yourself...trust yourself totally. :love:


Thank you, but if I trusted myself totally I wouldn't be asking for advice.

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Bitterness from my past is slowly tearing my current relationship apart. My OH is a loving, patient lady and I try bloody hard not to let bitterness affect me but its not easy, Ive been with her for eight years and have 41 years of bitterness to overcome.


Ive tried depression pills by the bucketload but Im one of those people who cant take them, they just turn me into a raving lunatic.


Of course I didnt realise I was bitter, it was just part of my personality so I thought it was perfectly normal, part of who I was.

Now I have to try to filter out the bitter, nasty piece of work that I have become and attempt to save and hold on to the few decent bits of my personality.


and its not bloody easy

If you are bitter, then there's no hope for the rest of us, you cheer us all up, think of that in your bitter moments.

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I had a terrible problem with bitterness and anger that I had difficulty keeping a lid on. It was always there, boiling away, and even if I tried to put on a pleasant front I think it leaked out in ways I wasn't aware of or couldn't consciously control.


I've said it before and probably people get sick of me mentioning it, but meditation changed things for me almost overnight. It seemed to help evaporate off the noxious boiling stuff somehow. I still have plenty of issues to keep me on my toes, but I don't seem to have the ongoing reactive irritation so much. It's a relief, but I do have to keep it up. If I miss a couple of days the boiling starts to well up again.


I hope metaphoria manages to find a way to clean out the basement too. :thumbsup:


My mind wanders a lot for meditation.


I'm sure I could give it another go though.

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I spent years being bitter (and twisted) over all sorts of things that I realised I couldn't change.....events, people, me!


Since becoming a Christian I have had prayer for deliverance from the bitterness, disappointment and rejection I have felt. I got baptised (full immersion) in August and I left all those former aspects of me in the baptistry...dead and buried.


Now when something arises that could mean the return of my old life ways I quickly re-think and take a different view.....and in my head I nail what is making me feel the way I do to the cross.


It's not how everyone would deal with bitterness but it works for me. :)


I could do with a little grace. Say a prayer for me, please?

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I guess saying what you think helps a lot, just get it off your chest.



Saying that if its family you do tend to hold back, which is never really a good idea.


note to self: got to get something off my mind before it gets too far gone.


Yes, needed to get a few things off my chest.


Thanks all.

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If you are bitter, then there's no hope for the rest of us, you cheer us all up, think of that in your bitter moments.


Thats one of the things that makes me so bitter.


I wanna make you all as miserable as I am but you just laugh, ya buggers!

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To all of you that are uncertain.


Just think that life is very short. Too short for negative emotions to use up your energy.

Your energy is precious and should be used on doing the things that you enjoy and things that get you through the day.Your feelings are dictated to by your brain which needs to think in a positive way.


Bitterness like anger takes up a lot of energy and it can be draining.

You are good people and try to do the right things so dont be hard on yourself.Pick yourself up, brush your self down and start all over again, as the saying goes.

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