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Sakineh Ashtiani. Act now to help save her!

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No it's not and you would be a fool at worse or totally naive at best to think so .



If I knocked on your door and accused you of a crime...any crime, are you implying that I as the accuser and my motives is of no relevance in legal terms?


Why is this only happening to this one person ?

Surely it is the police who have accused her and arrested her on evidence in their possession.

Didn't the court find her guilty of being involved in her husbands murder ?

Remember by first post said IF she had......

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Why is this only happening to this one person ?

Surely it is the police who have accused her and arrested her on evidence in their possession.

Didn't the court find her guilty of being involved in her husbands murder ?

Remember by first post said IF she had......


Off the top of my head it's more like 600 since 2008...that's almost as infamous as the states which supposedly does have a just/fair system.


You're missing the point..it's not about the case and it's details it's about the system by where she is accused. Or are you implying you have faith in a system which stones women to death and tortures the judiciary and the sentenced woman's family? And as pointed out one man was sentenced for the crime..and released on the forgiveness of the victims family...I would wager the female side of that family had no say in that decision.

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We probably have been discussing the subject from different perspectives.

I do not know enough about the regime over there to comment on it so will leave it at that.


Not really because she still has the disadvantage of being female and an unjust system heavily weighted against her...guilty or not.

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Not really because she still has the disadvantage of being female and an unjust system heavily weighted against her...guilty or not.


My perspective was someone who may have committed a crime.

Yours was the systems used by the regime.

I do not think their system will change because people in this country do not agree with it.

From their governments viewpoint - Why should it ?

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My perspective was someone who may have committed a crime.

Yours was the systems used by the regime.

I do not think their system will change because people in this country do not agree with it.

From their governments viewpoint - Why should it ?




C'mon Harvey..a little faith huh?

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Yes, good luck to you in your quest to obtain equality for all.

(You do realise by using the word faith you could turn this into a religious thread involving the usual protagonists)



And yet your weeping disingenuous sympathies for the dead man was somehow more important than those wishing justice. Your not upset to see international pressure working are you?



You just did :roll:

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