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Main sorting office in Sheffield

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Does anyone know what plans are for the old GPO building in Fitzalan Sq. Seems a shame to see it empty.


It was mooted that permission might be granted for a hotel, but no parking, planning problems, rough area, etc. I used to have to visit it every evening with the business mail 1962/1963, it was a very impressive building inside as well as outside.

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It was mooted that permission might be granted for a hotel, but no parking, planning problems, rough area, etc. I used to have to visit it every evening with the business mail 1962/1963, it was a very impressive building inside as well as outside.


I worked there for 22 years and the interior in the upstairs account offices was amazing.


Unfortunatley I heard that vandals have been in and ripped out all the oak panelling, the huge old radiators and the very very heavy oak doors.


God I loved working there.


I always had hoped that something like a Wetherspoons would open up and utilise the building and the nice sitting area in front, but alas no.

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