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Woman who stabbed MP gets life

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Sounds like she's a likely candidate for Rampton or Broadmoor... Nutters do need putting away, and it's good to see that we can still get strong sentences from time to time...


I must take issue with you Lady Star.


The woman was assessed as being mentally fit to stand trial. She does not suffer from any mental illness whatsover.


Her crime was premeditated and planned (even to the extent of carrying two knives in case the first one broke). She was wholly responsible for her criminal actions.


She will serve her time in prison, not in a special secure psychiatric hospital for the criminally insane.


Use of a phrase like "Nutters" serves only to stigmatise people with genuine mental health issues.

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I take your point, but isn't the problem that MPs who voted for an illegal war (and particularly cabinet members who probably knew it was illegal and totally immoral, or at least suspected it) should be accountable but aren't? To my mind, ways of them being accountable would be the power to recall your MP or for them to be subject to a higher law. Since neither applies then are we to let them facilitate the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent people without any comeback?


In the absence of more formal checks on MPs' actions, her DIY approach seems to me more reasonable than it otherwise would.


There have been two General Elections since 2003. He is still an MP.


Trying to stab people to death is never reasonable.

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This point often comes up and scum who hate this nation should be made to F off. Problem is where? Would any other country want them? I wish there was a 'Scum Island' for stateless people re Papillon where they can all squabble and klill each other at their own expense. It makes my stomach turn when inevitably all the fanatics turn out to be armchair warrior wasters who can't even provide for their families. They let the state they hate do it. We even kept one of these in a UK prison recently to stop him being executed in his own country. I wonder how grateful he is.


Spot on post! But, no doubt someone will come along and defend the ranting a-holes!

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according to the times newspaper the loonies have a list of mps


Extremist website urges Muslims to kill British MPs

Tom Coghlan, Adam Fresco

November 5 2010 12:01AM


An extremist website that helped to inspire Roshonara Choudhry to stab the MP Stephen Timms published a complete list yesterday of British MPs who voted for the Iraq war and called on Muslims to take up the “knife of jihad” against them. Choudhry, jailed for life this week, named the website RevolutionMuslim.com as a source of inspiration, together with the teachings of the English-speaking radical cleric Anwar Al-Awlaki, a key ideologue for Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, based in Yemen. The US-run website eulogised Choudhry yesterday with the words: “We ask Allah to keep her safe and secure, to hasten her release and to reward this heroine immensely. We ask Allah for her action to inspire Muslims to raise the knife of jihad against those who voted for the countless rapes, murders pillages, and torture of Muslim

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great post and i agree wholeheatedly. the reason why their supporters wont go to another country is that they wont get any benefits from any other country like soft touch britain


How do you explain France, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Austria and the Netherlands having a larger proportion of Muslims in their population than Britain then?

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How do you explain France, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Austria and the Netherlands having a larger proportion of Muslims in their population than Britain then?


I don't think having muslims here is the problem, i think it's when they start taking the <REMOVED> that gets people angry. Maybe the other countries named are not as soft on them as our system?

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