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Vodafone is a joke! Avoid like the plague.

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makes more sense. i thought they had banned excessive mobile charges for use overseas though???


Can't have, I racked up a reyt bill there. The £57.12 was just for the data (not even including calls & texts) and I didn't even use the internet over there, in fact I switched it off about 2 hours after I landed because someone told me the charges are mental (like £100 for a few hours usage)... dunno how true that is but by the look of my last bill it can't have been far off.

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Vodafone sound like a bunch of cowboys. They put up a phone mast overlooking a playing field at my children's school, and didn't tell anyone because apparently, they don't even have to ask the council for permission to do this, although the industry guidelines say they must consult the council, the school governors and the residents. The answer I finally got from their Facebook page was that an 'agent' had consulted 'local councillors', but when I asked the ward councillors by email, the only one to respond was an ex-councillor, and she said she knew nothing about it.


I'm not personally convinced that phone masts are hazardous, to children or anyone else, but when people go out of their way to avoid giving the public an opportunity to object, it sticks in my craw.

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Their network coverage is appalling as soon as 3G was introduced, whereas originally, they had the best coverage. We have loads of black spots in our house where we can't get a signal whereas other mobile networks work fine all over. It's maddening. As soon as my contract is up am switching to O2.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi shaz112


I am disappointed to hear that you have contacted us about your balance and have not been given a response that actually clarifies what your charges were for, and that you are also not happy with the service level received whilst you have been a Vodafone customer.


If you still have concerns over the bill charges, or anything else on your account, please could you e-mail us at 'Contact Us' point on the Vodafone website with WRT135 as the title, and we will be more than happy to take a look at this for you.



Many Thanks,



Web Relations Team

Vodafone UK

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Another thing is I keep getting texts saying I've exceeded my data usage, which is supposed to be unlimited, and that I'm being charged £5 for every 500mb, which is another reason I wanted to find out what the extra charges were for so that I could see whether or not I was being charged for data (which I shouldn't be) but it's hopeless.


It looks to me like this is the problem.


What they (used to until very recently) advertise as unlimited internet, is actually limited to 1GB per month, you will be charged £5 for every 500mb over that.


So it looks you you used nearly 10 times the limit on their unlimited internet.


A 1GB limit on unlimited internet is actually quite generous, compared to the other mobile networks. The limit on Orange's unlimited internet is 500MB per month, or just 100MB if you're on pay as you go.

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Well it's not the data usage that's racked up the bill... at least I've learnt that...


Joseph: You have just been charged for using the Internet in spain


Joseph: you have not exceeded the internet usage on the account


You: I have paid for the usage in spain on the last bill haven't I?


Joseph: It in the current bill also


Joseph: the usages as on the 22/09/2010 10:31:28


You: why is that? I was only there for 3 days last month


You: How much have I been charged for usage in spain?


Joseph: so you have just been charged £3.408 this month


You: How much have I been charged for usage in spain in total?


Joseph: you have been charged £57.12 in Spain overall


You want to get a Spanish sim card for Spain.

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Hi Shaz112


I'm disappointed to read that you have had this issue with Vodafone.


I would like to look into this issue


If you’d like to email us via our contact us page.


(When contacting, please quote the code WRT135 in the subject line. In the main message body, please include a link to this thread and your user name. This will ensure that your message comes directly through to my team).





Web Relations Team

Vodafone UK

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