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HELP..Bullied at work?

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Hi Guys any advise appreciated..

I have worked for a small It company outside sheffield since febuary, a guy in my team, who is younger than me, constantly undermines me, makes awful comments, makes me feel stupid, talks down to me...

Its got so bad that im now on tablets due to my panic attacks driving there, and heart palpitations when im there...

I have reported it once, and he still carried on...now i keep a diary of the comments..

Today he shouted at me, he knew he was wrong so actually went into the Directors office and complained about me, not supporting him enuff and that he treads on eggshells round me...

Every week there is something, he makes stupid remarks...

Ive had enuff now...IS THIS BULLYING??? or me just being sensative?

This guy has been with the company years and to be fair IS good at what he does...so ill be the one who goes if it comes to the crunch..


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This is definitely bullying........Just keep writing everything down, make meticulous notes on everything. time date etc....if you have reported this to your employer, he is duty bound by LAW to act, if he does not act then he is liable...when the person in question makes a bullying statement, ask any people nearby if they heard what was said...and write it down, and if possible get them to sign a statement...if you feel so unhappy that you have to resign, you could then take them to a tribunal....good luck....and dont feel too low...it will soon pass....

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thanks so much...

cant afford to leave, so i think im just going to contact a solicitor, just to cover my back and make them aware of whats going off....

Feel like im being a nusaince by keeping reporting it, and think the managers will just get rid of me, rather than having the hassle of sorting it out...

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Ok...then go straight back to the manager you told, and then confirm that you are still facing a bullying issue..as i said.....he is duty bound to stop you being bullied at work...thats the law..!!!!!.....

do not go to a solicitor, it will prob cost you money...but as i said...keep all the notes...managers response as well.....and if the worst comes to the worst, and if you are forced out of employment, you can take them to a tribunal, and it will cost you nothing....but hopefully, it will be sorted before it goes that far.....but ...just take it all as part of lifes learning skills

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They had a word with the guy....it stopped for a while, now i write it all in my diary and he knows i do..

Today it all kicked off when he started shouting at me, he knew he was wrong and it was himself that went to the directors office...

I got told im not supporting him enough, by listening to his rants and its cos he is stressed...

Its ok for directors to say that, but its not their blood pressure thats thru the roof and having panic attacks and on tablets

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Don't take no crap from him. When he kicks off stand your ground and give him back what he gave you. This will force the company to step in and do something if it happens infront of others. he probably feels threatened by you. Be confident!..

..if all else fails, kick him in the nuts...

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Do you have a voice recorder on your phone?


If so, try leaving it on record for a few days. If you catch the guy ranting at you, play it to your Senior Management and ask them to deal with it.

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