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HELP..Bullied at work?

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Does he do this to the other staff or is it just you. ?

Have staff left the job before due to him. ?


I'm asking because i once worked at a bakery where we had a bully.

On my first day he laid straight into me, so much so i thought he must be one of the supervisors or something, i was a trainee and thought it was just their way of pushing me to learn, well i was only 16.

Anyway turns out he was just another employee and liked to bully the young uns.

I put up with it for 6 weeks though it was sheer hell, i needed the money.

finally after hearing no less than 6 other trainees had left because of him and the boss was scared to say anything to him i whacked the git over the head with a hefty wooden rolling pin, i know, you couldn't make it up :hihi: knocked him out cold, you could have cut the atmosphere with a plastic butter knife.

He finally came round whilst most of the staff cowered in the back room, i was waiting stood over him to give him another, bloody massive sod he was, all that happened was he went to the back room, got his stuff and left never to be seen again.

Next day i resigned telling the boss i couldn't work for such a spineless tawt, the other employees almost begged me to stay for my heroics but i'd had enough.


Best bet imho is to give him a sharp kick to the goolies when no one is looking. :hihi:

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Hi Guys any advise appreciated..

I have worked for a small It company outside sheffield since febuary, a guy in my team, who is younger than me, constantly undermines me, makes awful comments, makes me feel stupid, talks down to me...

Its got so bad that im now on tablets due to my panic attacks driving there, and heart palpitations when im there...

I have reported it once, and he still carried on...now i keep a diary of the comments..

Today he shouted at me, he knew he was wrong so actually went into the Directors office and complained about me, not supporting him enuff and that he treads on eggshells round me...

Every week there is something, he makes stupid remarks...

Ive had enuff now...IS THIS BULLYING??? or me just being sensative?

This guy has been with the company years and to be fair IS good at what he does...so ill be the one who goes if it comes to the crunch..



Where do you work? I'll come in with you one day and we'll explain to this numpty in my terms what the situation is.


I promise you wont get any trouble after that, he may even start making you cups of tea.

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Can i just say to you all, a massive thanks.... the support and comments have been amazing....

This ordeal has really brought my confidence and self asteem down and its very comforting to read your comments...

Had another trip to doctors today and chatted to him about it..

Im seeking legal advise next week..

Thanks everyone so much.x

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You said you weren't a union member, well I would suggest that you become one immediately. Anyone can join a union and it's against the law to discriminate against anyone that does so.

The company you work for doesn't have to recognise the union, but and here's the big but, you can get expert legal advice from the union solicitors regarding your situation, and should the need arise they will even represent you and speak on you behalf if required in any hearings or disciplinary actions.

I reckon that if your colleague and management get wind of the fact that they might be subjected to legal action then things will more than likely get sorted out sooner rather than later.

Good luck and don't let the <removed> grind you down.

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Where do you work? I'll come in with you one day and we'll explain to this numpty in my terms what the situation is.


I promise you wont get any trouble after that, he may even start making you cups of tea.


Amazing. I don't suppose you'd consider hearing the other side of the story first?

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Join a union, go see your GP and explain the effects the environment is having on you. The union will be able to provide you the best advice and your next steps but you seem to have made a good start by recording everything and there's some good advice above until you can get professional advice.

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They had a word with the guy....it stopped for a while, now i write it all in my diary and he knows i do..

Today it all kicked off when he started shouting at me, he knew he was wrong and it was himself that went to the directors office...

I got told im not supporting him enough, by listening to his rants and its cos he is stressed...Its ok for directors to say that, but its not their blood pressure thats thru the roof and having panic attacks and on tablets


that sounds very wrong. they are clearly not supporting you enough either. thay have a duty of care towards both of you.

if he has a problem with stress then its their job to support him with it much more than it is yours.


sounds like a union or acas is the best way to go. they dont seem to be taking you seriously enough, and having someone with a bit more clout to fight your corner is a good idea.

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