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A muslim world?

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Thanks for the sarky comment


(seriously dude, I did not expect such a glib and troll-like answer from you, has retep hacked your account or something?)


Equally I was surprised by your sensational use of language, Im neither ignorant or naive of the salient points.


I sincerely believe that individuals who are compelled to strap on a suicide vest and indiscriminately kill people who in the cold light of day they know full well have no direct connection with their grievance must have some degree of sociopathic disorder.


Unfortunately not many of them survive long enough for a diagnosis to be made one way or another.

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Perhaps I am thick but can someone tell me what the radical Muslims hope to achieve by their terrorism against non Muslims.

I dont mean short term such as stopping wars against Muslim countries but their dreams for future generations of the world.

This is not about stirring up the usual discussions.I am curious about their wildest dreams and aspirations.


They wish to achieve a 'Global Caliphate' before anyone gets too wild eyed and starts foaming at the mouth it might be best to remember that Muslims are not the only ones that are trying a Globalist one world scheme.


The Islamic fundamentalists truly believe that we will ALL benefit from such a 'Caliphate'.


The problem from the Radical Islamic point of view is that they aren't able to wrest control of Mecca/Saudi Arabia from a regime that is a US client State let alone the rest of the world, The US is a Zionist infidel State (from the Islamic point of view) and it ultimately controls the centre of the Islamic world.


The US and the UK (Establishments) care not a jot about the number of Palestinian children burned with Israeli phosphorus bombs, the number of Iraqis killed, the number of US or UK citizens that fall victim to Islamic terrorism or even for that matter the number of US/UK troops maimed and killed in illegal wars waged against Sovereign (Islamic) territories.


The only concern is that US unconditional support for Israel can be maintained without losing control of stable oil supplies (The only non terrorist weapon Islamic countries have against Pro Zionist foreign policy).


Try for just one second to imagine your own attitude to Bombing,beheading and shooting aggressors that supported and facilitated the Killing burning and starvation of your wives and kids.


If we and more importantly the US withdrew unconditional support for the Zionist massacres and dispossessions of muslims while maintaining Foreign Policy links with Islamic States inline with our National Interest of maintaining cheap and more importantly stable energy supplies (Far more important than securing the supply of Jaffa oranges and the occasional olive).


We have a Policy of unfettered immigration of people we go the extra mile to hurt and humiliate in their own lands and then wonder why we get these problems.

Sort out Foreign Policy inline with our National Interests instead of Israel's interests while tightening immigration and we have a solution.

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Equally I was surprised by your sensational use of language, Im neither ignorant or naive of the salient points.
I feel quite strongly about this, I think that thinking the way you do is dangerous because it doesn't explain anything, offers no solutions and is in fact counter productive because any attempt to change things can be met with 'these people will do this kind of thing anyway'. I do think you're naive, and if you really weren't ignorant of what I was saying then I think you're being even more naive.


I sincerely believe that individuals who are compelled to strap on a suicide vest and indiscriminately kill people who in the cold light of day they know full well have no direct connection with their grievance must have some degree of sociopathic disorder.


Do you have any evidence for this or is it just a baseless opinion?


In which case why should anyone pay anymore attention to it than they do when some BNP fool says its all because of Islam?

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The problem is with that pov is that radical muslims don't accept more moderate muslims to be muslim at all.

Personally I would agree with them. Just like I would agree that the vast majority of so called xtians in this country aren't in fact xtian at all.

I would suggest your wrong, in fact most people here are more Christian than they dare admit or without even realising.

Just because your not in church every other week we still have a society driven by Christian law and understanding, I myself don't go to church but do live a Christian styled life.

We are one of the most charitable nations on earth, that's not because we are a Muslim society, our generosity is not bound by our religion but from the attitude Christ had towards others.

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I sincerely believe that individuals who are compelled to strap on a suicide vest and indiscriminately kill people who in the cold light of day they know full well have no direct connection with their grievance must have some degree of sociopathic disorder.


Unfortunately not many of them survive long enough for a diagnosis to be made one way or another.


Isn't it because so many muslims are indoctrinated and brain washed from birth into becoming muslims and reciting the Koran ad nauseum, that it conditions them and makes them more susceptible to being brain washed and indoctrinated by the radicals?

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Isn't it because so many muslims are indoctrinated and brain washed from birth into becoming muslims and reciting the Koran ad nauseum, that it conditions them and makes them more susceptible to being brain washed and indoctrinated by the radicals?


No, it's for the reasons I gave above.

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I would suggest your wrong, in fact most people here are more Christian than they dare admit or without even realising.

Just because your not in church every other week we still have a society driven by Christian law and understanding, I myself don't go to church but do live a Christian styled life.

We are one of the most charitable nations on earth, that's not because we are a Muslim society, our generosity is not bound by our religion but from the attitude Christ had towards others.


charitable pehhaaaa


the crusades!

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