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A muslim world?

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Although I've no idea what they get up to behind closed doors, I've never encountered any who have displayed a hatred towards the West, so perhaps the ones who take to the extremist causes have chosen to be influenced by the radicals rather than them being the only Muslims they come into contact-our homegrown terrorists definitely know right from wrong.


I've seen and heard from loads, but who's to tell is they're being serious or not? Then again, maybe they're not all the same, but they would say that wouldn't they, otherwise they would be arrested? Like I said earlier, it is possible to say one thing and mean another or the complete opposite.

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I've seen and heard from loads, but who's to tell is they're being serious or not? Then again, maybe they're not all the same, but they would say that wouldn't they, otherwise they would be arrested? Like I said earlier, it is possible to say one thing and mean another or the complete opposite.


On that basis, should I hyperventilate every time I come across a group of men with shaven heads?

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Christianity is responsible for most of the horrors in our history.


That's patently rubbish - it may have been the driving force behind some crapness in our history but to blame it for most of the horrors is ridiculous.


nothing to with being christians though. Id say as a nation we are largely aetheist.


According to the most recent cencus 72% identify as christian vs 15.5 report no religion so I would have to say you are wrong there!


As to the original question I think that probably terorism of any sort is far more about politics than about religion. Religion is an excellent excuse for getitng people to fight for you - you don't have to pay them and if they are suitably devout they will be quite happy to die in service. Though this isn't unique to religion - people will happily fight or murder for nationalism, politics, race, sexual orientation and many other reasons. So essentially same old same old - power, money and controll.

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That's patently rubbish - it may have been the driving force behind some crapness in our history but to blame it for most of the horrors is ridiculous.




According to the most recent cencus 72% identify as christian vs 15.5 report no religion so I would have to say you are wrong there!


As to the original question I think that probably terorism of any sort is far more about politics than about religion. Religion is an excellent excuse for getitng people to fight for you - you don't have to pay them and if they are suitably devout they will be quite happy to die in service. Though this isn't unique to religion - people will happily fight or murder for nationalism, politics, race, sexual orientation and many other reasons. So essentially same old same old - power, money and controll.


I would question that many of these "christians" do more than ticking that box on the form every now and again. How many actually go to church? I bet thats a more realistic number.


Also the pope doesn't agree with you!

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Equally I was surprised by your sensational use of language, Im neither ignorant or naive of the salient points.


I sincerely believe that individuals who are compelled to strap on a suicide vest and indiscriminately kill people who in the cold light of day they know full well have no direct connection with their grievance must have some degree of sociopathic disorder.


Unfortunately not many of them survive long enough for a diagnosis to be made one way or another.


This one did, her story is a tragedy.




At least unlike many of the female terrorists in Chechnya she was only drugged and treated like a slave, and sexual abuse was not a part of her conditioning.


As flamingjimmy said dismissing these people as psychopaths whilst convenient misses and avoids the fact that many terrorists are exploited victims.

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