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A muslim world?

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Catholicism certainly has a lot to answer for!


In the UK alone, look at all the Universities, Schools and Hospitals they founded and ran! - If they'd kept their interfering noses out of it, consider how much better off you would all be!


Nowadays, if you're a Catholic and you want to stop being a Catholic - you quit.

If you're an Angle Iron and you want to stop being one of those - you quit. (If you're an Angle Iron Bishop or Vicar and you don't want a female boss, you cross-train as a Catholic ;))


If you're a Muslim and you want to quit, how do you go about it?

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The Cathars were wiped out and so weren't in a position to 'get back' at Catholicism.


Unlike the later Protestantism Catharism was a 'heretical' variant of Xianty that the Catholic Church successfully repressed. The Catholic Church of course tried everything up to war to try and crush protestantism just as it had crushed previous 'hereitcal' movements, thankfully it failed and the Church's hold on Europe was much diminished.


there are far too many christian fights in our past to keep track!

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Catholicism certainly has a lot to answer for!


In the UK alone, look at all the Universities, Schools and Hospitals they founded and ran! - If they'd kept their interfering noses out of it, consider how much better off you would all be!


Nowadays, if you're a Catholic and you want to stop being a Catholic - you quit.

If you're an Angle Iron and you want to stop being one of those - you quit. (If you're an Angle Iron Bishop or Vicar and you don't want a female boss, you cross-train as a Catholic ;))

People can only stop being Catholic without fear of persecution & even death these days because the Church wasn't strong enough to crush the protestant reformation in the way it had previous 'heretical varieties of Xianity. If the Catholic Church had prevailed it would still be its way or the inquisition.


If you're a Muslim and you want to quit, how do you go about it?

Well that rather depends upon where you are a muslim now doesn't it. If you're a muslim in a country as dominated by Islam as Europe used to be by Catholicism the only safe way to publicly leave Islam is to do so after emigrating. If you're a muslim lucky enough to live in a secular democracy then you can quit Islam with the same ease that a Catholic who might be for example disgusted with the Churches international conspiracy which enabled the rape of children can quit Catholicism.

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and don't forget the other side (protestant?) got their own back at later dates


Neither of which followed the teaching of Jesus Christ.


(Having just typed that I have decided to stop replying to people who abuse the word Christ or Christianity.)



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A History Teacher Finds Weaknesses in My Webpage (not mine, Grahame).


Pat Johnson e-mailed me finding fault with what he saw as a serious lack in an early copy of my webpage. He wrote:

As a History Teacher at a Junior college I challenge my classes to think about the following:


Religion has caused more suffering, wars and violence than any other cause.


Almost all the students agree. I then ask that they prove this by the number of people killed. They usually mention the Crusades and one or two other religious wars they might have heard of but in none of their examples can they come up with a million deaths. (Some experts used to teach that the Thirty Years’ War in Germany caused 8 million deaths, but modern experts have proved that it was more like 200 thousand and in fact the population of Germany actually increased during that war.) I then point out that most of the people who have died as a result of war, have done so in the Twentieth Century and that most of the killing was done in the name of secular (not religious) beliefs. I then ask them who is the worst of them all. Most guess Hitler. I then tell them that he is rated #3. Some then guess Stalin and I tell them that most experts place him at #2 with 20 million killed. Almost no one gets #1 who, of course, is Mao who starts with an estimated 40 million. I then point out that the top two were Communists and Hitler was a radical believer in Social Darwinism. All of these are based on atheistic beliefs.





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A History Teacher Finds Weaknesses in My Webpage (not mine, Grahame).


Whoever wrote that lost all credibility by pretending that Hitler wasn't a Christian. It is disingenuous in the extreme not to highlight that when discussing that topic.


Also it is straight up lying to say that communism is based on atheism. THinking about it, whoever wrote this is either not a student of history or a liar. Actually thinking about it even more seeing as he claims to be a history teacher he's a liar either way.:)

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Whoever wrote that lost all credibility by pretending that Hitler wasn't a Christian. It is disingenuous in the extreme not to highlight that when discussing that topic.


Also it is straight up lying to say that communism is based on atheism. THinking about it, whoever wrote this is either not a student of history or a liar. Actually thinking about it even more seeing as he claims to be a history teacher he's a liar either way.:)


I keep saying Christianity is the teaching of Jesus.


Despite Hitler's rhetoric he clearly did not follow Jesus and murdered millions.



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