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A muslim world?

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Shouldn't the question be what do the people who finance terrorism hope to gain from it? Without money, terrorists, of whatever hue, would simply be psychopaths with a need to kill and maim. Do the money men have an ideological reason for what they do or is it a power thing?



Some things go full circle. In Afghanistan the West financed the Taliban led insurrection that drove the Russians out. Now the West is seeking Russian help in putting down the Taliban. :)

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I suspect Walhy is also onto something




If a foreign military force invaded the British Isles because they didn't agree with the regime, I can imagine a lot of British people with psychopathic tendencies would be drawn to terrorism as a response. I don't believe Muslims generally have terrorism hardwired into their psyche.


Oh dear, the old chestnut of illegal wars/colonialism again as though these places were paragons of virtue from time immemorial.:roll:

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Oh dear, the old chestnut of illegal wars/colonialism again as though these places were paragons of virtue from time immemorial.:roll:


..I wasn't suggesting that was the case.


The question was why do these Muslim psychopaths upscale their hatred of people to such an extent that they commit acts of terrorism-in their minds they will seek any justification they can and the West's military involvment in the Middle East has often been cited as one of them.

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True but it's about majorities. How many Muslims do Al Quaeda/Taliban represent? 1%? 5%. In any case it's safe to say the majority are the representative genuine article.


Absolutely it's about majority.......and the majority of the world find the tenets of islamic ideology to be uncivilised, desciminatory, prejudicial and anti progressive. These values are very much archaic, anti western and anti civilisation.

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The superficial differences between West & East existed long before the attack on the Twin Towers.


Indeed, the resentment goes back to the West's interference in the destruction of the Ottoman Empire and the artificial borders that were created in the aftermath.


This created problems that required even more meddling and interventions in Middle Eastern affairs. The creation of Israel was probably the final straw for many Muslims.

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This is usually sectarian violence, Sunni versus Shia for example, which was and still is responsible for more deaths and injury in Iraq than the casualties inflicted by Western forces. I'm not certain about it but suspect this was behind the bombings in Jordan.


Saudi Arabia doesn't spend billions on arms from the West because it fears American aggression. The threat from it's Muslim 'brothers' in Iran is its main concern.


I don't know the specific reasons for the Amman bombings other than the broad overview that it was directed at a Muslim country with close ties to the West, the Muslim wedding targetted by the terrorists may well have been against a different sect of Islam, looking at the wedding pictures they don't appear, by how they're dressed at least, to be Muslims of the hardline variety.



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Perhaps I am thick but can someone tell me what the radical Muslims hope to achieve by their terrorism against non Muslims.

I dont mean short term such as stopping wars against Muslim countries but their dreams for future generations of the world.

This is not about stirring up the usual discussions.I am curious about their wildest dreams and aspirations.


I want to take over the world. I want everyone to think and act like me. I want everyone to wear the same kind of clothes I wear and cut their hair like me. I want everyone to eat the same kinds of foods I eat and read the same books. I want everyone to listen to 'my' music and essentially do whatever I tell them to do...


All religions are man-made, they just take it to a new level by murdering innocents. Unfortunate really, as we (the UK) are now the kittens of Islam.

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No. They were going to do something anyway. They foolishly gave Bush a nice excuse to launch an invasion.


That is my reading of history, no doubt you are going to tell me this is wrong and it's far more complicated?


Not at all. I fully agree. It is Islamic exteremists waging war against the world for their own reasons.

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