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Coffee Culture

Dr Feelgood

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I have heard from a an official source that Starbucks are finally opening up in Sheffield's Meadowhall in three months - hallelulah! Also, apparently Caffe Nero are on the hunt for property in the city. Sounds like progress.


Could any coffee lovers out there in Sheff let me know the best places to get a capuccino?





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Coffee.com and Coffee Revolution (or something) are right next to each other in the centre of town. They are just up the road from Cutlers Hall (or the Cathedral). Not sure which one does the best coffee though.

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I like Coffee Revolution.


There's also Costa Coffee, in Waterstones bookshop in Orchard Square. Nice coffee but a bit pricey and there aren't enough seats (have I just contradicted myself?)

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@Andy, there's also a Costa in the Abbey National round the corner on Fargate - again limited seating!

Debenhams have some kind of Coffee caff on the first floor, and Marks n Sparks have summat on Fargate(2nd floor of the store) - it always smells of coffee but I think it's more of an upmarket instore caff??!!


And I'm not sure but I think there might be summat in the Winter Gardens (only been in once so can't really remember!)

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Originally posted by "fronbow"


@Andy, there's also a Costa in the Abbey National round the corner on Fargate


Yeah, I know, but I work for one of Abbey National's competitors, so I don't like going in there :wink:


The one in M&S is OK - the coffee is decent and they open at 8am so I can go in for a coffee before work. It's a shame they don't do a better range of food though - just sandwiches and nothing I really fancy eating at breakfast time.

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Originally posted by "JonHarrison"


Surely theres an opening for the Cathedral to get their act together and have a nice coffee/morning cafe withing their grounds. Perfect site?

Well, they certainly wouldn't have a problem with limited seating ;-)

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