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What's your political party of choice?

What's your choice of political party?  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. What's your choice of political party?

    • Labour
    • Conservative
    • Liberal Democrats
    • BNP
    • Green
    • Other
    • None

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Originally posted by Skatiechik

I also fail to see why you think it would be funny for people in Sheffield to vote conservatives?



Under labour we have seen promise and promise broken, along with tax rise after tax rise. With a failing manufacturing industry, house prices continually rising, crime up. Does anyone actually trust tony blair?




Not to mention the unions flexing their muscles and threatening strikes every 10 minutes.

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I voted Labour in all four of the general elections in which I have been eligible to vote in. No more. I now detest this government almost as much as I detested the Tory government under Thatcher. :(


I share the view expressed by others here, in that I find it difficult to affiliate myself with any of the parties. I think a hung parliament is the best we can hope for and that people like me (lost in the political wilderness) should simply vote for the party most likely to win against labour. I will therefore cast my vote for the Lib Dem's, who I think will hold their Hallam seat.

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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. - Plato


The word "politics" is derived from the word "poly", meaning "many", and the word "ticks", meaning "blood sucking parasites." - Larry Hardiman


Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies. - Groucho Marx

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Still no votes for the BNP. Come on guys and girls, where have you got to? Stand tall and proud, pin your colours to the mast.


Me? I voted green in this poll because :

-they are the only party committed to non-hierarchical power structures

-they are the only ones who are realistically considering climate change beyond the next general election

-because they champion local devolution and rule of the people, by the people, for the people.

-because, like the BNP weirdly enough, they champion hemp as the industrial crop of the future

-because they are the only party that will truly accept global responsibility for our actions, and act accordingly.

-because they embody the 'think global act local' ethic.


That they're second only to the Lib Dems (after a wholly representative poll of 20 self selected pollers) is a cause of some pinprick of hope.

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Originally posted by robh

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. - Plato


The word "politics" is derived from the word "poly", meaning "many", and the word "ticks", meaning "blood sucking parasites." - Larry Hardiman


Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies. - Groucho Marx


Perhaps now is the time for the Queen to use one of her few remaining powers, which have not been transferred to Blair's other queens, and dissolve Parliament. :P

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Ooh... tough one.


I'm officially resident in the Isle of Man at the moment and I'm only 18-and-a-half, so I don't know if I'm on the UK's electoral register, I'm probably just on the one for the Isle of Man.


In which case, I can't vote, so there's no point in putting one down. But which am I affiliated to? Again, I'm not certain...

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We've hosted a Green party fund raising evening in the pub before. One of our favourite bands is led by the Green Party Candidate of Hillsborough. Good policies - probably will never lead the country but the winning party in the next election (and the current one) could do well to listen to the Greens and take on board their philosophy.

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