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Oldham has to re-run voting (Now Re-Run)

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I wonder why employers want to set on folks straight from university and not old farts who are over 40.


Less pay, less long term bonuses, being over 40 you've been through the system and are wise to the con - so they train a pup:D.

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You must be the only remaining Lib Dem who is enthusiastic about the 'coalition'.The Lib Dem vote was only as high as it was because the Oldham Cons voted Lib Dem.


Is it ... that is pure unverifiable speculation which is not evident in the figures.


But lets deal in facts.


Labour only managed to increase its voter share by 530+ votes. With the population of Oldham being around 72770, that is a rise of +0.7 of the population of the constituency.


The turnout was down by more then 10,000 voters, this is more then the share of votes lost by both the Lib Dems and the conservatives put together.


I don't see much room for large scale tactical voting in these numbers.

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The voters really are quite stupid when you think about it,they elect a liebour MP when its that party that has left us all in this mess?they never learn do they.


How very DARE the voters choose a party you don't agrre with. It's all the voters fault!!!!

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Who knows?




It's not origami though, although it could be.


Oh gosh. I hadn't realised I caused so much interest. I'm doing an LPC if you must know, and I'll probably take the first opportunity to leave these shores after I finish it.

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So you're not impressed with this then?


Fairer taxes.. Lifting 900,000 lowest earners out of tax completely

Increasing Capital Gains Tax to 28% for high rate taxpayers ( 18% basic rate)


2.5billion extra funding for the poorest children under the pupil premium.


Education white paper freeing schools from Whitehall control.


A referendum on AV and fixed term parliaments.


Moving towards a Reformed House of Lords


The Green Deal. 100,000 jobs to insulate and upgrade homes


A green investment bank


Per Plane Duty instead of Air passenger duty


Triple lock to restore to link between pensions and earnings . guaranteeing a 2.5 per cent rise.


Increasing winter fuel allowance


£400 million for carers respite care


Raising 2.5 billion per year via the banking levy


Reforms to get banks lending to business.


Abolition of ID cards


Ending child detention in immigration


and more..


not bad for just a few months with an influence.



I'm not going to go through this complete list, but let's just look at a number of your claims....


1. "2.5billion extra funding for the poorest children under the pupil premium."


But it isn't extra money at all espadrille......

"Michael Gove admits pupil premium is not new money. Education secretary admits £2.5bn for poorest children will come from existing budget despite David Cameron claim"

Link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/2010/oct/24/michael-gove-pupil-premium


2. "Education white paper freeing schools from Whitehall control."


:huh: You've managed to score a whopping own goal espadrille! Aren't you aware that the Lib Dems actually oppose this Tory policy? "Liberal Democrats vote against free schools and more academies. Nick Clegg tries to reassure conference delegates after they vote to reject flagship Tory education policy"

Link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2010/sep/20/lib-dem-conference-education-policy


3. "Ending child detention in immigration"

This is a hollow claim espadrille.

Despite noises by the Lib Dems, nothing has yet happened to end child immigration detention.

"Child immigration detention: new MP clobbers children's minister Tim Loughton


Link: http://www.communitycare.co.uk/blogs/childrens-services-blog/2010/09/child-immigration-detention-new-mp-clobbers-childrens-minister-tim-loughton.html


4. "Triple lock to restore to link between pensions and earnings . guaranteeing a 2.5 per cent rise."

Aren't you aware that over the next 10 years (2010-2020) women's pensionable age will increase by 6 years, from 60 to 66 - thus making women work much longer before they can even claim a state pension?

Link: http://www.ftadviser.com/FTAdviser/Pensions/Personal/StatePensions/News/article/20110114/2bcc79d4-1fc7-11e0-be6d-00144f2af8e8/Altmann-blasts-changes-to-womens-state-pension-age.jsp

In addition, the changes that Osborne (with Lib Dem support) has made to the way both public & private sector final salary scheme pensions are calculated means that most pensioners are now going to be worse off by £800 p.a. Or didn't you know that?

"Osborne's inflation link cuts pension payouts"

Link: http://business.scotsman.com/business/Osborne39s-inflation-link-cuts-pension.6412053.jp


What is intriguing though about your list of so-called Lib Dem influences on the coalition government is what you left out of it!


Let me help jog your memory of just one teeney-weeney little omission when this Lib Dem pledge -


became this reality -


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Aren't you aware that over the next 10 years (2010-2020) women's pensionable age will increase by 6 years, from 60 to 66 - thus making women work much longer before they can even claim a state pension?


you women wanted equality so don't complain when you get it!

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In addition, the changes that Osborne (with Lib Dem support) has made to the way both public & private sector final salary scheme pensions are calculated means that most pensioners are now going to be worse off by £800 p.a. Or didn't you know that?

"Osborne's inflation link cuts pension payouts"


he cannot change the rules relating to private schemes


..... tuition fees........


lets not forget that it was your lot who intoduced them in the first place

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he cannot change the rules relating to private schemes



Did you read the link? This is what it said...


"It was announced in last month's Budget that the change would apply to public sector pensions, but only on Thursday evening did it emerge that the switch would also cover private sector final salary schemes. The move is aimed at reducing the liabilities forcing private sector employers to close their final salary schemes."

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I'm not going to go through this complete list, but let's just look at a number of your claims....


1. "2.5billion extra funding for the poorest children under the pupil premium."


But it isn't extra money at all espadrille......

"Michael Gove admits pupil premium is not new money. Education secretary admits £2.5bn for poorest children will come from existing budget despite David Cameron claim"

Link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/2010/oct/24/michael-gove-pupil-premium


2. "Education white paper freeing schools from Whitehall control."


:huh: You've managed to score a whopping own goal espadrille! Aren't you aware that the Lib Dems actually oppose this Tory policy? "Liberal Democrats vote against free schools and more academies. Nick Clegg tries to reassure conference delegates after they vote to reject flagship Tory education policy"

Link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2010/sep/20/lib-dem-conference-education-policy


3. "Ending child detention in immigration"

This is a hollow claim espadrille.

Despite noises by the Lib Dems, nothing has yet happened to end child immigration detention.

"Child immigration detention: new MP clobbers children's minister Tim Loughton


Link: http://www.communitycare.co.uk/blogs/childrens-services-blog/2010/09/child-immigration-detention-new-mp-clobbers-childrens-minister-tim-loughton.html


4. "Triple lock to restore to link between pensions and earnings . guaranteeing a 2.5 per cent rise."

Aren't you aware that over the next 10 years (2010-2020) women's pensionable age will increase by 6 years, from 60 to 66 - thus making women work much longer before they can even claim a state pension?

Link: http://www.ftadviser.com/FTAdviser/Pensions/Personal/StatePensions/News/article/20110114/2bcc79d4-1fc7-11e0-be6d-00144f2af8e8/Altmann-blasts-changes-to-womens-state-pension-age.jsp

In addition, the changes that Osborne (with Lib Dem support) has made to the way both public & private sector final salary scheme pensions are calculated means that most pensioners are now going to be worse off by £800 p.a. Or didn't you know that?

"Osborne's inflation link cuts pension payouts"

Link: http://business.scotsman.com/business/Osborne39s-inflation-link-cuts-pension.6412053.jp


What is intriguing though about your list of so-called Lib Dem influences on the coalition government is what you left out of it!


Let me help jog your memory of just one teeney-weeney little omission when this Lib Dem pledge -


became this reality -



Most of the links that you refer to are out of date. Politics moves on. You have to move with the times and adapt, but of course you would know that wouldn't you.

Dont you have anything better to do on a Friday evening than try to trip me up so that you can score more brownie points with the electorate.


I was going to say do you really believe everything you read in the Guardian, but then I guess I know the answer to that one.


As for an own goal, I am completely aware of what is going on in Whitehall but much more concerned with what goes on in Sheffield, the City I was born in.

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