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Oldham has to re-run voting (Now Re-Run)

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Did you read the link? This is what it said...


"It was announced in last month's Budget that the change would apply to public sector pensions, but only on Thursday evening did it emerge that the switch would also cover private sector final salary schemes. The move is aimed at reducing the liabilities forcing private sector employers to close their final salary schemes."


I thought 80-90% of private sector final salary pension schemes had to be abandoned after 1997 when Greedy Gordon started to steal £5 billion per year from the pension funds so they were no longer able to meet their obligations.


Then of course there was the FSA that Gormless Gordon set up to regulate the financial institutions, but allowed Equitable life to default on most of its clients.


After 13 years of Grasping Gordon there are virtually no final salary pensions left outside of the City and financial sector.

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Is it ... that is pure unverifiable speculation which is not evident in the figures.


But lets deal in facts.


Labour only managed to increase its voter share by 530+ votes. With the population of Oldham being around 72770, that is a rise of +0.7 of the population of the constituency.


The turnout was down by more then 10,000 voters, this is more then the share of votes lost by both the Lib Dems and the conservatives put together.


I don't see much room for large scale tactical voting in these numbers.



Dress it up as you like but this was a resounding Labour victory. The Lib Dems obviously thought that they could win this seat or they wouldn't have challenged the result in the first place and gone to the trouble and expense of fighting this by-election.

When by-elections are are caused by this sort of thing the electorate usually like to give the party who were at fault (Phil Woolas, Labour) in this case a bloody nose. However they overlooked this in this instance in their zeal to show their disapproval of the ConDems.

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Greedy Gordon started to steal £5 billion per year from the pension funds so they were no longer able to meet their obligations.




So lets get this right the Labour party are accused of taxing everything that moves but when they abolish tax relief on pensions that’s “theft” how does that work then, perhaps they should have shifted the tax burden to some other area.


And obviously pension funds taking contribution holiday had nothing to do with it did it. :roll:

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Most of the links that you refer to are out of date. Politics moves on. You have to move with the times and adapt, but of course you would know that wouldn't you.

Dont you have anything better to do on a Friday evening than try to trip me up so that you can score more brownie points with the electorate.


I was going to say do you really believe everything you read in the Guardian, but then I guess I know the answer to that one.


As for an own goal, I am completely aware of what is going on in Whitehall but much more concerned with what goes on in Sheffield, the City I was born in.


"Most of the links ... are out of date"? One link is dated 14 Jan - how out of date is that? :huh:


You may be more concerned "with what goes on in Sheffield", but your posts on this thread are about the Oldham East & Saddleworth by-election result, not Sheffield! Are you sure you are posting on the right thread espadrille? :?:


Sadly, you have declined to debate and have instead sunk to the lowest common denominator in politics, namely abusing a political opponent by casting aspersions on their motives. I won't though be brownbeaten by your pathetic attempt to stop me engaging in open and honest debate - whether it is on a Friday evening or any other day of the week. Poor show espadrille, poor show.


Back on topic ... I read* that the right-wing Tory MPs are now baying for Cameron's blood following the collapse in the Conservative vote at this by-election.


[*NB I read it in The Guardian - which espadrille appears to overlook supported the Lib-Dems at the general election and continues to support them in the coalition government].

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So lets get this right the Labour party are accused of taxing everything that moves but when they abolish tax relief on pensions that’s “theft” how does that work then, perhaps they should have shifted the tax burden to some other area.


And obviously pension funds taking contribution holiday had nothing to do with it did it. :roll:


Eyes closed as usual. You might reflect on the fact that last year the black hole in private pension schemes was about £100 billion. In the 13 years since Brown started taxing dividends paid into pension funds he removed over £70 billion. In that time the money removed would have grown by around £20 billion. If its too hard for you you could ask your teacher to do the maths.


Yes the Labour Party taxed everything that moved. Sensible people would have spotted that the pension funds couldn't afford it. What a pity that they weren't sensible people.

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