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FIVE Rotherham men who groomed three young girls

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You get sex offenders of all races/religions but because these are muslims and Islam is the current favorite bogeyman a big issue is made of it.

People should look past their religion and realise that they are nonces who are also muslim.

I think your comment isn't fair, it is the way you see muslims.

The comment about muslims seeing non muslims as inferior and exploitable is a line the BNP has used in the past and is an outrageous one.

You'll be able to answer some more beef early next year when another case comes up re Rotherham..I expect the BNP will highlight that one as well

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My ex hubby knows 2 of these people - he is absolutely gobsmacked. He said they were the mst polite and nicest people you could have met.....two of them lived not far from where we are......


Just goes to show that people can put on a front.


He and I hope they rot in hell for what they did.

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My ex hubby knows 2 of these people - he is absolutely gobsmacked. He said they were the mst polite and nicest people you could have met.....two of them lived not far from where we are......


Just goes to show that people can put on a front.


He and I hope they rot in hell for what they did.

peados and rapists dont usually go around advertising what they are
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Thank god for the efforts of the B.N.P for bringing this case to the police attention.


Is that actually true? I have heard that spread about on various websites (mostly BNP based ones!) but the real news agencies have stated that it was down to social services, and their monitoring of the girls (as they had care orders, so were very vulnerable to start with) that had started the ball rolling in catching and prosecting these perverts...

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Its not actually paedophilia..


but it is disgusting, sexual assault of children. I dont think the sentences are long enough really but I rarely do in rape/sexual offence cases.


A 30 year old was involved in all this though, and he has the highest sentence due to his grooming of 12 and 13 year old girls - he is pretty much a textbook paedo really... He is obviously a very creepy and disturbed man! Highlighted by his hanging out with lads who were not much older than the kids he was messing with...

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peados and rapists dont usually go around advertising what they are


yes i am well aware of that.


Just shocking when you actually know people like that, especially when you have a Daughter the same age as what they did those horrible nasty things to. Like i said i hope they rot!!

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I am concerned that no one from the asian community appears to have commented.


These men would not dream of targetting females from the muslim community in the way they have targetted apparently vulnerable females fom the white community.


Is it that in the asian community non muslims are regarded as being inferior?


What does the Koran say?


I would imagine that girls in the asian community would not be immune to the advances of perverts such as these - but they probably wouldn't be allowed to press charges... Asian women are abused by Asian men too you know... That's why there are Asian womens refuges - for those with the guts to run, hide and break away...

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