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FIVE Rotherham men who groomed three young girls

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Is that actually true?
No it isn't.
I have heard that spread about on various websites (mostly BNP based ones!) but the real news agencies have stated that it was down to social services, and their monitoring of the girls (as they had care orders, so were very vulnerable to start with) that had started the ball rolling in catching and prosecting these perverts...
You are correct.



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Then again wat do we exspect wen their holy book of lies talks about their prophet mohammaed wedding a nine year old:gag::gag:


We expect you to be able to string one sentence together with the spelling correct.


You are mean Bloomdido! - It's fairly obvious that tat lister's first language isn't English! We should be kinder to newcomers and help them, not take the mick...:D

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No it isn't.You are correct.




Yeah - thought so! I was really interested in this case, as I recall female friends being taken to local beauty spots by men in the early and late 20's when I was a kid... These men were all white Notts guys, but in hindsight they were just as perverted as this Asian blokes are... It was different though in the 1990's, and we just assumed that they had got shacked up with some sad old gits who couldn't get a bird their own age!


I was googling it, and the only sites that discussed a BNP involvement were white supremacist sites - who obviously have their own agenda! All the rest spoke to social workers monitoring the girls and seeing changes, later moving them out of the area when it was believed that one of them would be killed by these pervs!


I do think that people like these make it 10 times harder for muslims though - playing into BNP hands really, and dragging their famillies and friends down with them... When you are being watched closely as muslims are these days, you have to be extra clean, extra careful... I saw a quote from a rabbi recently, where he said that he was glad he was a Jew and not a Muslim, as it's just not safe to be a Muslim in the west anymore after a stupid minority became terrorists...

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Where in the Quran does it say this, give me the Sura and chapter where it states this. You are talking excrement.


Mafya - This poor spod can't write, so do you really think he can read?


tat - There are english courses available in Sheffield, you know... Get in touch with the college and good luck!

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You get sex offenders of all races/religions but because these are muslims and Islam is the current favorite bogeyman a big issue is made of it.

People should look past their religion and realise that they are nonces who are also muslim.

I think your comment isn't fair, it is the way you see muslims.

The comment about muslims seeing non muslims as inferior and exploitable is a line the BNP has used in the past and is an outrageous one.


This particular situation does have racial overtones though - or at least it did for one of these pervs when he called the child he was abusing a 'white bitch'...

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