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Has Phil Woolas caused double trouble for the Lib Dems?

Guest sibon

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Amazing how the heavy gang have crawled out of the woodwork.


Where was your so called affrontery and indignant attitudes when a proven innocent Cllr in sheffield was subjected to far far worse treatment than any shown by woollas and co.


A man and his family reviled by the leader and deputy leader of our council.


An innocent man subjected to vile slears and innuendo.


An innocent man who followed his conscience and his principles.


An innocent family man lambasted by his supposed friend from Hillsborough.


An innocent man accused and smeared in the most public of ways,radio,newspapers and especially on this forum.


A proven innocent man who has still not received a public apology after eight weeks and counting.


Your indignation doesn't become you,its a poor second when you compare it to the way you gang up together to attack and destroy an innocent man and his family.


Shame on you all, you are a disgrace to the good name of Sheffield.

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Come on old chap, that line's going nowhere. An apology for what? Why would anyone need to download a list of voters names addresses and voting intentions a couple of days before he joined another party? Did he need a really weird Christmas card list and has he done the decent thing and put himself up for re-election under his new colours and manifesto?

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Come on old chap, that line's going nowhere. An apology for what? Why would anyone need to download a list of voters names addresses and voting intentions a couple of days before he joined another party? Did he need a really weird Christmas card list and has he done the decent thing and put himself up for re-election under his new colours and manifesto?


I guess we will have to wait till May for this one to pan out.

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Thanks for that Hitch. It is good to see a Lib Dem voter actually voice an opinion on the question that I posed, rather than ranting about my supposed motives.


I'm rather persuaded by the idea that Labour should step aside in this by-election.


Maybe the Tories should too... or do you think that the electorate deserve the chance to voice their opinion about the coalition?


Ummmm...im not a lib dem supporter, but I understand what you are trying to say with regards to the thread :)


I think the only party that should step aside is labour as it was there candidate who has done wrong. All other parties should run - what ever the consequences.


With regards to the lib dem / labour candidate in sheffield. I believe there should be a rule that if any candidate wants to deffect then there must be a bi-election (which should confirm if that electorate agree with his decision or not) There is not a rule at the moment, so the candidate has done nothing wrong....it just seems immoral.

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Ummmm...im not a lib dem supporter, but I understand what you are trying to say with regards to the thread :)


I think the only party that should step aside is labour as it was there candidate who has done wrong. All other parties should run - what ever the consequences.


With regards to the lib dem / labour candidate in sheffield. I believe there should be a rule that if any candidate wants to deffect then there must be a bi-election (which should confirm if that electorate agree with his decision or not) There is not a rule at the moment, so the candidate has done nothing wrong....it just seems immoral.


and unfair that those people of Walkley who voted for a liberal democrat councillor have now got a labour one.I cant see how they can be happy with that.


I know I wouldnt be whatever party I was part of.


Anyway, back on topic. Lets not get side tracked. This thread is about the supposed trouble Phil Woolas is going to cause for the Lib Dems...

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and unfair that those people of Walkley who voted for a liberal democrat councillor have now got a labour one.I cant see how they can be happy with that.


I know I wouldnt be whatever party I was part of.


Anyway, back on topic. Lets not get side tracked. This thread is about the supposed trouble Phil Woolas is going to cause for the Lib Dems...


Thought the thread was about underhand scummy politics.

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In what way does it tar me with the same brush as Phil Woolas.


To be honest, wellyman, you really haven't made a lot of sense throughout this thread.


Perhaps you'd like to explain your claim in a little more detail.


I have made perfect sense throughout this thread. It is pretty clear what your motive is and the slippery way you try to sidestep those questioning it. You don't seem to have fooled anyone and your comment in post 29 is priceless.


I had hoped for better from a moderator. No doubt you will abuse your powers now by deleting posts that point out your bias.

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Sibon, in case you missed my two previous posts here is the same question again

Have Woolas' actions adversely affected the Lib Dems twice?


You keep talking about these two 'blows' to the Lib-Dems.


Can you explain to us what the first 'blow' was before we move onto the second blo

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Sibon, in case you missed my two previous posts here is the same question again



You keep talking about these two 'blows' to the Lib-Dems.


Can you explain to us what the first 'blow' was before we move onto the second blo


Hi Tony. It has been a rather beautiful weekend don't you think? I've spent mine with friends. I hope yours was just as pleasant.


As to your enquiry, I thought that I'd explained myself here.


If I wasn't clear enough, the two blows that I've alluded to were:


1. Woolas wins the seat, stealing it from the Lib Dems using rather unpleasant tactics.


2. The by-election will occur after the Lib Dems poll rating has collapsed.


But you already knew that, so why ask the question?


Incidentally, nobody has yet picked up on this part of my OP


Will the electorate ... endorse the subsequent actions of the Coalition as being in the national interest?


Do you have a view?

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