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Netherlands lifts smoking ban!

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Why did you stop if you think it is so beneficial, and why do you start endless threads moaning about not being able to smoke in pubs?


It seems there is no end to the advantages gained since smoking was banned in public places.


1 The public health has imporoved

2 The number of places where the public can get a drink has increased

3 The places no longer stink of stale smoke

4 The Chancellor is collecting extra revenue

5 The consumption of cigarettes has fallen

6 It gets right up Bonzo's nose :D:D:D:D


Everyones a winner.

Pub owners should be free to decide to allow smoking on site or not. We should not be forced into someones idea of a healthy lifestyle. Where will it end ?

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They passed many laws to control cannabis. It's illegal to sell it at the same place as alcohol, so they have a "coffee shop" system. Also, they take a very hard stance against the unlicensed selling of cannabis. This makes it hard to buy the drug for the underage, and it makes it hard to move around large amounts of the drug and use 'for personal use' as an excuse.


The Dutch are that daft your very own super-state is following their ideas closely. California has the most liberal approach to cannabis in the Americas.


A ballot measure to legalize cannabis in California for recreational purposes was placed before the voters in the mid term elections 5 days ago.

It was defeated by a comfortable majority so I reckon they're not quite as daft as the Dutch....not yet anyway

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A sensible middle course should be adopted. Governments cannot legislate good health and good judgement in a democracy. Owners of clubs and pubs should be allowed to decide whether they want smoking or not in their establishments on an individual basis.

This makes everyone happy and keeps government interference in private businesses where it belongs.... outside.


It had it's nose where it didnt belong for too many years already. The old licensing laws were ridiculous

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It was defeated by a comfortable majority so I reckon they're not quite as daft as the Dutch....not yet anyway

California is interesting, and i agree, i doubt they will follow the dutch model. I can't see Prop 19 going away quietly though, which is why it is interesting.


There are a whole different set of complications for a US state to follow a more liberal drugs policy. The USA is a lot different to Holland. That is for a different debate though.

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When a group of smokers and non smokers go out together the smokers (usually the minority) always insist the whole group cater to them. To be flexible and friendly they usually agree. This will probably be repeated nationally pulling the centre of gravity towards the smokers. I'm speaking from experience there before anyone moans that I'm some killjoy.


It's a seedy habit decades out of date and no one should be allowed to do it anywhere except in their own homes. Standing at bus stops or in lifts with them or walking behind them is a foul experience too.


Sounds as though you need to grow up - you have friends who push you around and make you go to places you don't want to go, but then you expect adults who do not know you to do as you say? A very childish attitude...


The Netherlands never really endorsed the ban though - same as France and Spain, they have more sense than to censor adult behaviour...

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It obviously doesn't bother me that much or I would never have agreed to sit with them in the first place. And no, cleansing oneself of impure friends would be too much.


As for now I sit there like a lemon guarding the drinks while they go out for their fix if I am the only non there.


Yes, thats me also!! Maybe all us non-smokers should get together, then that way none of us will be left alone :wave:

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