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Netherlands lifts smoking ban!

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A total ban on cigarettes ……….. hopefully.


It's daft to censor the personal habits of adults - It's entirely up to the individual if they smoke, drink, whatever... And so it should be!


Especially a habit that is overtaxed to the degree that smokers subsidise many government projects...

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It's daft to censor the personal habits of adults - It's entirely up to the individual if they smoke, drink, whatever... And so it should be!




Except when that habit affects others, I have a sports car and would love to get the top down and use our country lanes as a race track but I don’t for two reasons.


1 My personal habit would affect others

2 Its against the law


Which of the above points do smokers find it hard to grasp regarding their personal habit.

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I take it you didn't read the original article?


The second paragraph says: "A new liberal government is to allow smoking, though only in small owner-run bars with no other staff."


If the employers aren't employers, because they don't employ anybody, why are you concerned about them providing a safe environment for the people they don't employ?


The Dutch seem to be very reluctant to do anything which will damage any sector of their economy, but I doubt that anything they do will affect the UK.


In fact, I doubt that any country will be able to force freedom of choice onto the UK.


As Mr Prime said:


He may well be right. Not only will smoking be banned in the streets, but the bans may well be extended to encompass many other activities. After all, 'banning things' is a national pastime.:hihi:


Yes I did read the article. Perhaps if you had read my post you'd have realised it was responding to OUR smoking ban. Not the Netherlands.

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Sounds as though you need to grow up - you have friends who push you around and make you go to places you don't want to go, but then you expect adults who do not know you to do as you say? A very childish attitude...


The Netherlands never really endorsed the ban though - same as France and Spain, they have more sense than to censor adult behaviour...


What a strange defence, have I touched a nerve?


How is being accommodating to my friends childish? It would be childish if I had stamped my feet and demanded what I wanted.


Where have I written that I expect adults to do as I say? I have never said anything as I don't want to be a finger wagger. Perhaps I should be then? Instead of being a 'childish' softie who gets pushed around I can be a 'health nazi' or 'holier than thou' or other cliches. In the end to people like you the non smoker is always wrong because you are oppressed freedom fighters.:loopy:

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Lots of people who drive cars don 't use our country lanes.....etc....as racetracks ; nor are all beer drinkers aggressive after 2 or 3 pints ; nor do all smokers blow their smoke into people 's faces.......etc....

However, a hell of a lot of pollution is caused by the industries that contribute to the manufacture of cars......and millions of people buy cars simply for their own convenience or pleasure. Pleasure-driving also causes horrific deaths and millions of injuries, petty and serious.

How much domestic strife and crime is caused by alcohol ?.........and so it goes on. Driving fast, powerful cars is seen as attractive by many and drinking alcohol is seen as adult, manly or sophisticated.

Strange how smoking has been picked out for ' special treatment '. Is it a class thing ? or are the British public offering a sop to the Control Freak Social Fascists who love to ban 'everything' as a matter of principle. The Control Freaks won 't stop at smoking and are trying to turn the U.K. into a gigantic kindergarden with everone nicely tucked away at home, watching ' Corrie ' or Big Brother on ' t'telly '.

Heil Britannia ! [ and good luck ! ]

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Produce one shred of evidence that smoking small amounts does not damage health. You can't because it is an outright lie.



Well I worked on the government scheme paying miners compensation for COPD as part of that work there were medical questionaires which asked about smoking. If someone smoked less than 7-10 cigarettes a week they were treated as a non smoker. Therefore the medical profession treats very moderate smokers as non smokers therefore no damage. Do n't argue with me, argue with the medical profession if you don't like it
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Why did you stop if you think it is so beneficial, and why do you start endless threads moaning about not being able to smoke in pubs?


It seems there is no end to the advantages gained since smoking was banned in public places.


1 The public health has imporoved

2 The number of places where the public can get a drink has increased

3 The places no longer stink of stale smoke

4 The Chancellor is collecting extra revenue

5 The consumption of cigarettes has fallen

6 It gets right up Bonzo's nose :D:D:D:D


Everyones a winner.


I don't smoke anymore, but that doesn't mean that I have to become an anit smoking campaigner! People should have the right to choose to smoke, just like you have the right to not smoke!


1 Has the public health improved?? Really?? Just because of the smoking ban??

2 Maybe there is more fancy bars in city centres, but there is definitly less local pubs than there used to be!

3 Fair enough, smoking smells, but in the Netherlands not all pubs are introducing smoking. Therefore you will have a choice of where to drink.

4 If smoking in the UK was banned 100% the NHS would suffer because smokers tax is such a large contribution.

5 The consumption of foreign imports has risen.

6 Your right it does!

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Number of licensed premises selling alcohol hits record high


What has this article got to do with the local pub trade?? I don't want to go into town & drink with students & dodge fights with bloated perverts trying to chat my wife up while I'm at the bar for 30mins!!

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