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Netherlands lifts smoking ban!

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Quite probably but it doesn't alter the fact that its only certain establishments that have lifted the ban and not everywhere. Non smokers still have a choice of going to non smoking venues and if your friends smoking bothers you so much then get new friends.


As for wanting it banned everywhere thats not going to happen and whileever smoking is legal nor should it


You realise this is all null and void now in this country since sanity prevailed? I think we will see street bans in the next few years. London councils are already talking about it.

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So my flexibility and tolerance of smoking friends now makes me a wuss. Had I refused point blank to accommodate I would have been an 'anti smoking killjoy'. Fancy that eh?
Not really, you're the one being awkward.


As a non smoker you would, if we were in Holland still have the chance to go to non smoking venues. I don't see your problem

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The point is I was never awkward but I was relieved when it was banned. As I don't live in the Netherlands this doesn't change anything for my social group anyway. As it was, 2 or 3 would make 7 or 8 smell bad and breathe crud. They were the awkward ones surely?


Street bans are controversial, I don't see why some nobody should have permission to invade my personal space when I'm walking down the street. If I stood next to you at a bus stop and farted on you for 5 minutes or belched repeatedly in your face would that be acceptable?

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The point is I was never awkward but I was relieved when it was banned. As I don't live in the Netherlands this doesn't change anything for my social group anyway. As it was, 2 or 3 would make 7 or 8 smell bad and breathe crud. They were the awkward ones surely?


Street bans are controversial, I don't see why some nobody should have permission to invade my personal space when I'm walking down the street. If I stood next to you at a bus stop and farted on you for 5 minutes or belched repeatedly in your face would that be acceptable?

Not really but farting or belching isn't illegal either.


I'm not even a smoker so the bans don't affect me a jot. I do however think that people should have a choice and in Holland they do and that pleases me. I also think that there should be choice in the uk for people. Non smoking venues should be available and have been for many years. I recall in the early 90's in Cambridge there was a non smoking pub that was dominated by a huge smoky fire. Something that always puzzled me.


I do think though that the drive on smoking will continue, its only a matter of time before its banned on the streets and in parks and so on. Once that has been tackled alcohol will be next and after that fast food and after that saturated fats and after that bad language and after that something else until we are all good little drones who don't do anything but work like dogs and then quietly expire knowing we've never offended or upset anyone and were good little meat puppets

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A good move that will save 100's of small pubs from facing the same fate as our british establishments!


So clear off and live over there if your damned fags are so important to you. I believe they also let dogs crap in the streets. You will be free to tread in that to mask the stink of your fags.

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The point is I was never awkward but I was relieved when it was banned. As I don't live in the Netherlands this doesn't change anything for my social group anyway. As it was, 2 or 3 would make 7 or 8 smell bad and breathe crud. They were the awkward ones surely?


Street bans are controversial, I don't see why some nobody should have permission to invade my personal space when I'm walking down the street. If I stood next to you at a bus stop and farted on you for 5 minutes or belched repeatedly in your face would that be acceptable?



So, smokers are all nobody's



Well, I suppose you could always hit them with your chip.

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Not really but farting or belching isn't illegal either.


I'm not even a smoker so the bans don't affect me a jot. I do however think that people should have a choice and in Holland they do and that pleases me. I also think that there should be choice in the uk for people. Non smoking venues should be available and have been for many years. I recall in the early 90's in Cambridge there was a non smoking pub that was dominated by a huge smoky fire. Something that always puzzled me.


I do think though that the drive on smoking will continue, its only a matter of time before its banned on the streets and in parks and so on. Once that has been tackled alcohol will be next and after that fast food and after that saturated fats and after that bad language and after that something else until we are all good little drones who don't do anything but work like dogs and then quietly expire knowing we've never offended or upset anyone and were good little meat puppets


You make those bans sound like a bad thing.


But seriously they are already all banned when they cross the line into behaviour that affects others. It is illegal to serve a drunk and to be drunk and disorderly. It is illegal to swear in public, junk food is legal but if it becomes litter as it often does then that is an offence too.


My view is everyone should be free to do what they want but someone blowing fag smoke in someone else's air is affecting the others rights. Mothers with children don't want to hear swearing in public and who likes to see drunks staggering around being lairy and stinking? The bottom line is do what you want as long as it affects no one else. That to me is fair.


The thin end of the wedge argument can only go so far. There could never be prohibition in this country and swearing is another great British tradition. Junk food is not and I couldn't care less if that is banned. After all the healthy majority have to pay for the fatties NHS treatment.

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So, smokers are all nobody's



Well, I suppose you could always hit them with your chip.


If some stranger is walking in front of me blowing fag smoke back into my face what is he to me? Somebody important or a nobody?

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