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Netherlands lifts smoking ban!

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You make those bans sound like a bad thing.


But seriously they are already all banned when they cross the line into behaviour that affects others. It is illegal to serve a drunk and to be drunk and disorderly. It is illegal to swear in public, junk food is legal but if it becomes litter as it often does then that is an offence too.


My view is everyone should be free to do what they want but someone blowing fag smoke in someone else's air is affecting the others rights. Mothers with children don't want to hear swearing in public and who likes to see drunks staggering around being lairy and stinking? The bottom line is do what you want as long as it affects no one else. That to me is fair.


The thin end of the wedge argument can only go so far. There could never be prohibition in this country and swearing is another great British tradition. Junk food is not and I couldn't care less if that is banned. After all the healthy majority have to pay for the fatties NHS treatment.

Then we're getting into something else entirely.


Is a persons body their own or the property of the state and by extension everyone else?


I say their own and they should be free to do what they want to it so long as they aren't harming anyone else. I would extend this to euthanasia as well. Freedom of choice should be there for people.


If you make cigarettes illegal then fair enough. To keep them legal but restrict their use is also fair enough but a blanket ban with no exceptions is categorically unfair. As unfair as it was on non smokers when there were no restrictions

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I agree but no one is suggesting a blanket ban on all those things...yet! and I am partial to the occasional Burger King and like a drink.


It does disgust me to see some of the Vicky Pollard's walking around stuffing their faces and puffing away. The Jamie Oliver series in Rotherham was pretty depressing too. Their choices sure but I wonder how much NHS cash is drained on morons? The problem is the same as that which affects the welfare state. In the late 40's people had pride and obesity was rare. People tended to be out and about not sat in all day watching telly.


If the state/taxpayer is providing healthcare it should be able to deal with self abusers somehow e.g. charging repeat offenders who have no willpower to stop gorging themselves. When adults become kidults the state has to be a parent.

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If a stranger isn't blowing smoke in your face does that make him important or a nobody?


He is still unimportant unless interaction or co-operation is required through driving etc. We don't all know each other anymore, we are a society of isolated individuals as far as I can see.

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Its being lifted in owner only bars with no other employees. Did you not read the article?

owner only bars? how many of those are about?

surely almost all bars need an additional 1 or 2 employees? 1 person cant do everything forever?

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I agree but no one is suggesting a blanket ban on all those things...yet! and I am partial to the occasional Burger King and like a drink.


It does disgust me to see some of the Vicky Pollard's walking around stuffing their faces and puffing away. The Jamie Oliver series in Rotherham was pretty depressing too. Their choices sure but I wonder how much NHS cash is drained on morons? The problem is the same as that which affects the welfare state. In the late 40's people had pride and obesity was rare. People tended to be out and about not sat in all day watching telly.


If the state/taxpayer is providing healthcare it should be able to deal with self abusers somehow e.g. charging repeat offenders who have no willpower to stop gorging themselves. When adults become kidults the state has to be a parent.

How much NHS cash is drained on people with gout from eating rich food? how much on people with mouth and throat cancer from cigars? how much on people doing all sorts of things, do you want that banned or restricted to? Just because you don't agree with people lifestyle choices doesn't make them morons, I despise people who go on skiing holidays and people who who don't like christmas but I don't think their morons.


I think you'll find in the late 40's the war had just finished and there was no spare money around. Everyone had to work to get what little there was, its not comparing like with like.

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How much NHS cash is drained on people with gout from eating rich food? how much on people with mouth and throat cancer from cigars? how much on people doing all sorts of things, do you want that banned or restricted to? Just because you don't agree with people lifestyle choices doesn't make them morons, I despise people who go on skiing holidays and people who who don't like christmas but I don't think their morons.


I think you'll find in the late 40's the war had just finished and there was no spare money around. Everyone had to work to get what little there was, its not comparing like with like.


I don't like any idea of the market being introduced to the NHS. However I believe if the stats show a massive loss in specific areas connected to over eating then those responsible should be charged. I have a friend who works in the STD clinic of a hospital. People get treated, are told to abstain for a week to make it effective but are in 4 days later because they had no discipline. Usual suspects come in constantly draining public money on their moronic behaviour. I know nothing about nutrition related illness problems but if the same usual suspects exist they should be made to contribute. Same if someone gets their stomach pumped for having no discipline with alcohol.


Re the 40's I agree but it wasn't just money, it was attitude, I just don't think the levels of pure gluttony were around then. It's a sad fact but there are a lot of people with no pride walking around today.


Fundamentally I agree with you on personal freedom but if extremists keep acting stupidly where does the patience end when treatment costs a lot of public money? Kidults should understand there are consequences.

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