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Universal credit

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The OP's thread and report is dated Nov 2010.


IDS also said the following re. Landlords.


'He blamed Labour for letting rents spiral and landlords get rich at taxpayers' expense and warned those landlords "the good days are over"


Are the good days over for landlords, when rents are still spiralling?

How are landlords suffering at the expense of housing benefit? Apart from those landlords renting out 5 bedroom houses, now only getting the equivalent of rent for a 4 bedroomed house!

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The moment the coalition was formed rules were brought in to stop landlords getting rich at the tax payers expense, rents were brought back into a more reasonable rate which had a positive affect in regards to the bedroom tax etc.

It's a policy's like this the current government hold closely to their hearts, which they prove by none of them not owning entire estates where the majority are benefit claimants or anything like that.


I'm just glad its definitely saved more than it's cost when you consider everything, and we have become much more of a connected group society wise, all adds to our positive progressive human evolution.


keep the faith, blame labour.

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The moment the coalition was formed rules were brought in to stop landlords getting rich at the tax payers expense, rents were brought back into a more reasonable rate which had a positive affect in regards to the bedroom tax etc.

It's a policy's like this the current government hold closely to their hearts, which they prove by none of them not owning entire estates where the majority are benefit claimants or anything like that.


I'm just glad its definitely saved more than it's cost when you consider everything, and we have become much more of a connected group society wise, all adds to our positive progressive human evolution.


keep the faith, blame labour.


Which alternative universe are you living in? :loopy:

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if there was a dance called the whoosh-whoosh, you both' be doing it :hihi:


wouldn't mind some crack actually long has it's safe and not mixed wi' nowt silly , too much political stress na days I tell di


lol at tory, labour all the way til there's a serious alternative, greens seem to be waiting for the general public to give them the answers, but isn't that how most of them work, listen to what's at the heart of the people and include it in their manifestos with no intention of ever fulfilling their pledges?


I hope to be part of serious political change in my own way so I'm not just talking, I don't wish to discuss that on this website tho as it's not very democratic, need to make sure my vote is counted this year tho in the election, one of the most important elections coming up for a long time imo.


now back to how well the coalition has managed to save more than it's spent with all the changes they have made over the 5 year period, wish people would stop saying they have cost more than they have saved, there's absolutely no proof of that at all, as the people who deny the facts keep telling you.

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