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Demo-lition 10.11.10 Who's going?

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The other day I heard shouting on Woodseats, went outside to have a look what was going on ... half a dozen kids with a big red and yellow banner. 'Manchester to London Student Protest March'! I don't know if the others had got lost coming over the Pennines or whether they were hoping to pick up others along the way.


It didn't seem that well supported. no-one batted an eyelid tbh. I felt quite sorry for them.

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Why? Those who are at university at the moment won't be affected by the higher fees.


If fees didn't increase and the costs were to be paid by taxpayers, then - as they will presumably be graduates and some of them might have jobs - they will be amongst the taxpayers lumbered with the additional costs.


Or aren't they bright enough to work that out?


Maybe they don't only care about themselves...

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I saw an interview with some 18 year olds who expected to go on to university. One of them fully expected to earn £100,000+ after leaving university.


He couldn't seem to grasp that a large section of society might think it quite reasonable for him to chip in for the cost of his education when he was qualified and working...

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And maybe they think that if they make enough of a fuss, the Tooth Fairy will pay the fees for them.


Which do you think is the more likely?


I was responding to your suggestion that they shouldn't be protesting because they would get no benefit if they were successful. I was attempting to help you understand the concepts of empathy and consideration of others' needs.


You now appear to wish to change the focus.


I have nothing to add regarding the likelihood of their success.

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