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Workfare - Long-term jobless 'made to work'

Do you agree with working for benefits?  

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Your living in cloud cuckoo land if you believe Blair is a Socialist. Don't forget what Thatcher said when asked what was her greatest legacy, "New Labour".


No good trying to distance yourself from him because he's a Socialist making millions!.........he's just not the left wing variety.
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I chose my poison though, but those who decided not to choose for themselves will have that choice made by someone else...



But for just four weeks and then only 30hrs/week. And it won't be piece work, or timed productivity and I imagine the supervision will be pretty amateurish.


So not a proper lesson in the real world of work, just a humiliation the dedicated work-shy will grudgingly put up with to remain as they are.

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But for just four weeks and then only 30hrs/week. And it won't be piece work, or timed productivity and I imagine the supervision will be pretty amateurish.


So not a proper lesson in the real world of work, just a humiliation the dedicated work-shy will grudgingly put up with to remain as they are.

According to "Interviewer" it will be "hard labour" so he keeps telling us!
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Id like to see IDS re introduce the old workhouse for all these uneducated layabouts,if theres no housing or work,we could open a few mills,house them there,it would leave room for cuts in public transport too,if they lived on site.

A penny a day and bowl of gruel,would save millions in welfare bills,and that blot on society,SINGLE MUMS could take thier damn urchins with them,infact,id not be against thier brats doing a little to help our economy recover too,that way we could save a few quid on teachers and building new schools,and have on site infimarys,so we could save a few quid on nurses and building new hospitals,less of this benefit filth in our nieghbourhoods would require less police and firemen....why the savings are endless.


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Id like to see IDS re introduce the old workhouse for all these uneducated layabouts,if theres no housing or work,we could open a few mills,house them there,it would leave room for cuts in public transport too,if they lived on site.

A penny a day and bowl of gruel,would save millions in welfare bills,and that blot on society,SINGLE MUMS could take thier damn urchins with them,infact,id not be against thier brats doing a little to help our economy recover too,that way we could save a few quid on teachers and building new schools,and have on site infimarys,so we could save a few quid on nurses and building new hospitals,less of this benefit filth in our nieghbourhoods would require less police and firemen....why the savings are endless.



I'm sure they're already planning it, why not? They can always blame a Lib Dem.

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I used to read the express,about 6 or 7 months ago it started running front pages,with a theme,benefit cheat,the odd 1 or 2 a week became 3 or 4 a week,initially i was outraged,people,6,7,8 kids,million pound homes,cricklewood,slough,i thought this is never right,i pay my taxes,work hard,middle income,and im a million miles from that lifestyle......gradually it got boring,it was almost EVERY single day,every issue,normally my partner waits an AGE for the sunday edition,it even accompanies me to the small room!......one morning she said simply,"have you finished already!!" in a suprised voice,i said "yes,dont bother with the first 20 pages its all benefit cheats,some woman in chipping northam bought 2 plazmas and feeds her kids organic carrotts,try the back pages,thats all sporting cheats,and wer having the INDEPENDANT from monday"

Talk about priming a nation......im proud to say iv NEVER read that carp since,miss the puzzle page though!

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This scheme has been in place for coming up to 30 years - This is my whole point about it not being a new thing! It's disgusting for the government to pretend otherwise! It's been the same for 20+ years! Nothing has changed in the sense of the work shy doing work experience!


The problem is that scheme hasnt made any difference.

We shall wait and see if this one does...

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