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Workfare - Long-term jobless 'made to work'

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so youve been told its only for people who REFUSE, you carry on believing it


i was on the dole 18 years, ive been screwed by em, ive had my dole stopped, i know to a certain extent how they work


what about those that CANT get a job but the dole say are refusing?


On the dole for 18 years??? WHY?

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Iain Duncan Smith "hit back at claims there were not enough jobs in the current economic climate for the plan to work, saying there were 450,000 vacancies"




So there are 450,000 jobs for around 2.5 million people. Just where are the government going to find jobs for the other 2 million?


This thing has "fail" written all over it. :loopy:

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Does anybody seriously believe that the private sector are going to be able to create enough real jobs, especially in the wastelands of the North, to see full employment again?


There is no industry, no sector capable of generating enough jobs over the next five years to significantly cut unemployment levels. The public sector is being cut by nearly half a million jobs. The private sector will feel the impact of such cuts, resulting in many more redundancies. The Tories will not create manufacturing jobs - they would rather shut down British industry and import cheap, shoddy goods and materials from overseas.


The Tories also cannot prevent EU workers travelling here to take up employment - which will surely happen again in huge numbers if the economy does pick up as the ConDems are predicting. And they are currently coming to an arrangement with our EU masters to allow Indian IT workers to live and be employed in the UK, at a rate of 20,000 every year.


Tens of thousands of British unemployed will be working for no pay, with no prospect of a job at the end of their four weeks. While growing numbers will face benefit sanctions, with no right to appeal.

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There aren't any rules in the world that mean that the government has to give people a handout to stop them starving.

That's the human right you alluded to, and what you've just claimed again. There is no right, there is no requirement that the government feed people who refuse to work.


So why don't these apply?


Article 22

Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organisation and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.


Article 25

1. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.

2. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

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Iain Duncan Smith "hit back at claims there were not enough jobs in the current economic climate for the plan to work, saying there were 450,000 vacancies"




So there are 450,000 jobs for around 2.5 million people. Just where are the government going to find jobs for the other 2 million?


This thing has "fail" written all over it. :loopy:


Once they are taken, more are created with the money they generate. Many jobs are about to be made available by pensioners retiring, the amount of people retiring is going to be more for the next 5 years due to a previous baby boom. We have less people hitting 16 due to the sub replacement fertility rate of the White British.


The amount of jobs ain't a problem, its the amount of potential workers and the ability to pay them peanuts that scares the establishment.

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Once they are taken, more are created with the money they generate. Many jobs are about to be made available by pensioners retiring, the amount of people retiring is going to be more for the next 5 years due to a previous baby boom. We have less people hitting 16 due to the sub replacement fertility rate of the White British.


The amount of jobs ain't a problem, its the amount of potential workers and the ability to pay them peanuts that scares the establishment.


I think your numbers are a little out. You're trying to say that 2million jobs are going to be created by the outcome of employing 450,000 - I don't think so. Even if you include the retiring, the numbers won't add up, especially as they won't be available quite as quick as they were going to be because the pension age is going up

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Iain Duncan Smith "hit back at claims there were not enough jobs in the current economic climate for the plan to work, saying there were 450,000 vacancies"




So there are 450,000 jobs for around 2.5 million people. Just where are the government going to find jobs for the other 2 million?


This thing has "fail" written all over it. :loopy:


I fully expect unemployment to hit 4 million quite soon

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