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Bills Soar for "build now, pay later" hospitals

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From today's Sunday Times (p. 12), so no web links I'm afraid. There's bound to be copies still on sale though.


Invented by the last Tory government (and opposed by Labour at the time), yet ultimately embraced by Gordon Brown as a way of sticking to his "golden rule" by keeping his profligate spending off the public balance sheet, PFI (Private Finance Initiative) is like Christmas every day for some, but not, alas, the tax payer.


  • Coventry University hospital cost £380m to build, but taxpayers will pay £3,300m by the time it's paid off in 2041.
  • A Portsmouth hospital has it's meals pre-cooked in Wales and then driven 150 miles to Portsmouth
  • Burnley schools can pay many times the retail price for goods e.g. £1000 for a £200 computer desk, laptops at x2 retail
  • A Notts School will have to pay hefty compensation to their PFI contractors if they remove their vending machines that sell sweets
  • A hospital in Hereford was charged £963 to install a TV aerial in a staff room under its PFI agreement with WS Atkins.


Unfortunately, these assets all belong to the PFI contractors (in the case of the Nottingham school above, it's not their school, they merely rent it from the contractor, which is why they can't remove the vending machines, because it's not their school!)


Another example of the big brown stain Gordon left on this country.


Apparently PFI equities are so lucrative that there is a thriving market in trading them (link). The equity in the M40 motorway has been traded 5 times, in one instance yielding a 50% profit for Carillion PLC (see previous link).


Any you only have to look in a mirror to see who's paying for it all.

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Don't forget the selling off of Government buildings which are now rented back to the taxpayer brought about by Labour. The most noteworthy is the inland revenues buildings which are owned by a company in a tax haven!


Big Brown Stain ... what a good nickname for Gordon Brown :)

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