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Ex wife holding passport

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All, just an update on the passport saga.....

thanks for all your help and advice on this one.

Just to let you know, the kids did get their passports in the end, and we all had a fabulous holiday. Daddy had a wonderful 40th birthday and wicked step-mum (me) really enjoyed having the boys on holiday with us. They boys never once complained about anything and we had a whole week of fun fun fun!

I can't wait to take them again. The bonus for them is at least now they can happily enjoy twice as many holidays than a lot of kids.

let's just hope the ex has seen the error of her ways!

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  • 2 years later...

Hi all,


I am also after a bit of advice regarding my ex not allowing our boys to go abroad on holiday.


Last year, my ex and her partner allowed our boys to go abroad this year. The boys are aged 8 and 9. The condition was that my ex signs the passport forms, I pay for them and she keeps them until they go away.


To cut a long story short, I was approached my ex partner with a rejection letter. The forms were rejected because the certificates did not have our names on them. I have recently got the full birth certificates at my expense.


My ex is now saying the boys WILL NOT be going abroad. Even her partner said to me 'Even if she got the passports, she can reject giving them to you like that..' (clicking his fingers at me). My ex then started what can only be described as being on the Jeremy Kyle show to my partner. She was subjected to the most horrid and foul language imaginable (the boys were hearing this). She kept shouting, using foul language, telling my partner to 'F off!!!'


The Passport office have stated that they cannot issue a new form because they are waiting for the full certificate which I have. When I send the certificates away, the passport will go to my ex-address.


Some advise would be great.


Thank you.

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I'm after a bit of advice.

My partner's ex-wife is witholding their 2 sons passports and we're due to go away this weekend.

We need the passports. She was fine with this at the time we booked the holiday, grandparents are also going, and now she's being very childish saying she doesn't want them to go.

We've filled forms in allowing them to take the time out of school, they've had the injections. (she took them for these)it's just a case of her being silly to ruin my partners 40th birthday celebrations.

the children spend between 1 and 3 nights with us every week normally.

Does my partner's ex wife have a right to withold the passports? can we do anything to make her hand them over legally, or is she quite within her rights. the children are 13 and 16 years old.


No she doesn't and is doing it just to be spiteful to her ex. It beggars belief that so called grown-ups behave this way towards their ex's, exactly who is the child here????

I bet her kids will really like her for that!

Phone the Police though you should've done this weeks ago!

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No she doesn't and is doing it just to be spiteful to her ex. It beggars belief that so called grown-ups behave this way towards their ex's, exactly who is the child here????

I bet her kids will really like her for that!

Phone the Police though you should've done this weeks ago!


Three years ago actually....

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There is no need to call the police.


Permission of both with parental responsibility is needed for travel abroad.


I would get a solicitor to draft a cheap letter. Outline your intentions and asking for her approval, in the absence of a reply within XX days, you will assume that she consents.

Let that letter state how it will be to the advantage of the children and their development to enjoy such a trip.



At least then, you have her refusal documented.

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It's not piffle at all.


I know adults who have divorced parents who STILL try to embroil kids in their disputes and it causes alot of stress and upset.


The best the Dad can do here is try to resolve this without involving the kids.

Of course if the passports don't materialise they'll have find out, but advocating involving the kids to use pester power and telling them so they'll hate their Mum is very wrong.


It is piffle.


If one parent is using the kids as weapons to lash out at an ex-partner, or in anyway being abusive to the kids; it's better that you open your kids eyes to what's going on, rather than keep them in the dark and no-doubt subject to further abuse for the errant parent..

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