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Roma gypsy worker jailed

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I could get done for this, but hey, this is my honest opinion:


While there are very few Roma people educated to a degree level, seeing that even those are still up to no good, I dare to think it's in their blood, it's genetic... Not sure if all of it is to do with education/background.

I know France was one for the most vocal countries in criticising Romania for not integrating the Roma. Yet when they had to deal with them, they got terrified and just deported them back to Romania.

No one can take their legal right to free movement so we all just have to accept that the Roma problem has to be dealt with at European level rather than everyone washing their hands and expecting one country to deal with this problem.

By the way, apparently the Roma came from India:




I think you're wrong and I don't believe there's any sound basis to think that.


Your asserions about the number of Roma with an education might possibly have some basis in fact, but there are plenty of reasons for that that go beyond your baseless assertion that it's in their genes.


It's patently ludicrous to assert that 'even those are still up to no good' on the basis of one case.


How woud you suggest we 'deal' with Roma?

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I think you're wrong and I don't believe there's any sound basis to think that.


Your asserions about the number of Roma with an education might possibly have some basis in fact, but there are plenty of reasons for that that go beyond your baseless assertion that it's in their genes.


It's patently ludicrous to assert that 'even those are still up to no good' on the basis of one case.


How woud you suggest we 'deal' with Roma?



put back up the berlin wall...but this time build it higher....and then let the russians have all the communist block countries back....we dont want them...mind you some of them do spend top dollar on rotherham market...but no...let the russians have them...they can pick their potatoes...

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ROMANIAN people come from a country called ROMANIA




If I thought you had an IQ higher than that of my dog, (Jack - the thick one, not Louis) I'd report you for blatant racism.


So: 'Romanians are thick', are they?

They're 'up to no good'?

'It's in their blood, it's genetic?'


Well, Sepp (you don't mind if I call you that, do you?)


One of my best friends (he used to be my next-door neighbour) is one of those stupid Romanians.


He's an Engineer. One of those rare Gippos who went to university ... well it was a 'Poly' - Universitatea 'Politehnica' din Timisoara.


He spent 6 years there. Did pretty well for a thick Gippo.


He owns companies on 3 continents.


He came out of Romania with the shirt on his back and a head full of knowledge. I've no idea how much he's worth (in cash terms.) He started with nothing and he could probably buy a large village or a small town - for cash.


Must be in the genes.


Well Sepp, your learned comments suggest that you're an expert on genetics (and no doubt a Doctor of Eugenics.) What's your real name? - It's not Josef Mengele, by any chance, is it?



I'm gonna disregard your insults for the sake of remaining constructive.

It seems that, like most people, you are rather misinformed, but I won't hold that against you, it's an extremely unfortunate coincidence of denomination. Let me explain:


Romani people do indeed came from medieval India.

Romania is a latin country, was part of the Roman empire.

The name Romania has nothing to do with Romani (the name for the Roma people). It's as unfortunate as the name for the capital of the Roman empire (or Italy today): Rome

When I was talking about educated Roma, I wasn't referring to your Romanian next door neighbour.


I hope this clears it for you.


Now for the 'rasist' remarks:

I got nothing against these people, am just an observer. What I do see is that these people have been persecuted throughout the ages wherever they went, from Asia all the way to the Holocaust and the trend continues today.

I can see a major country in the EU (France) is deporting them and I can see that at least 30% of the comments on this thread so far call for separation from these people. From "sending them all back" to "putting the Berlin wall back up" etc.

Why does no one like them? Is it because they tend to be up to mischief?


On a visit to Slovenia Wednesday, Basescu (Romanian President) had said: "There is a problem that makes it difficult to integrate the nomad Roma: very few of them are willing to work and many of them live traditionally on what they steal."


If it's down to education and environment, why did this woman (who made a name for herself in the Charity world) did same?


Like I said, I'm just observing. What I don't like is the ignorance of blaming this on one country and everyone washing their hands. It is (unfortunately) a European problem and (unfortunately) no one has a solution.

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I'd like to know how/where they get the information regarding access to all these benefits for foreign scrounging none contributors.


White British meet nothing but barriers when they try and apply.


Isn't it time that do-gooder people started to help the less fashionable causes like British needy who couldn't afford the fare to Romania if that was the softest touch in Europe

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I'd like to know how/where they get the information regarding access to all these benefits for foreign scrounging none contributors.


White British meet nothing but barriers when they try and apply.


Isn't it time that do-gooder people started to help the less fashionable causes like British needy who couldn't afford the fare to Romania if that was the softest touch in Europe


what benefits are white british people denied?


i was on housing benefit and the dole for 18 years

ive also had council tax benefit, child benefit


i now get working tax credits and the missus gets child benefit?


and im white and british (ENGLISH)

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what benefits are white british people denied?


i was on housing benefit and the dole for 18 years

ive also had council tax benefit, child benefit


i now get working tax credits and the missus gets child benefit?


and im white and british (ENGLISH)

My Father-in-Law and Mother-in-Law worked all their live until retiring never having once drawn any form of benefit.

You or somone usualy has to find out for yourself, my late my father-in-law should have been getting an allowance for Emphysema (Spelling) for some years although the authorities knew of his illness not even our own GP informed him although at the heading of his notes was wriiten C.O.A.D (chronic obstruction of the airways disease), it wasn't untill a social worker asked if he was getting the allownces that he was entitled to that we made enquiries. They'd been having to pay council tax out of £108 pw, suddenly they were receiving £275 pw with no council tax or rent to pay.


It still amazes me how come these Roma Gypsy immigrants could get access to so much money.

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No, you shouldn't; can't quite see what your point is here - that report just shows how the Roma people are persucuted and sometimes murdered by people who are prejudiced towards them.


No it doesn't it prove Gypsys/diddycoys/travellers/romas (or whatever gormball name they choose to go under) are a bloody nuiscance wherever they go.

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