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Whats your most exotic disease?

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I had flu once.


Back in the late 70s I had flu and it was nasty!



Thats basically it for me, but I`m interested, not in myself, scrummy that I am, but in YOU!



Whats the most exotic disease youve had? Have you had Malaria? Bubonic diarrhea? What about Cholera?


Come on, scum.


Amuuuuuuuuuse me!

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Not had owt, I'm well healthy me... probably jinxed myself and gonna get the plague or something now. :suspect:


My mum's had TB though and we had to all get our jabs early.


Back in the late 60s my mother had to go into hospital, the Lodge moor one and they thought it was TB and half of Parson Cross had to have TB jabs! :D

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I had a nasty jellyfish sting a few years ago, whilst swimming in Zandvoort...


Other than that, pleurisy... I'd thought that was something out of the dark ages until I was in the hospital with it a few years ago!


My OH (May the good lord infest her armpits with lemmings) had pleurisy back in 2001, it almost killed her!


Almost but.... not quite

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