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Jobless on Sheffield Forum

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I have no problemswith those who are house wife/husband, or are on here whilst on a day off etc or even posting while at work.


Retired people have a right to do with their days what they wish, also.


Likewise housebound people, for whatever illness, well - I can understand that too.


But some people on here with posts in the 10's of thousands, clearly don't have a job but manage to be holier then thou to the rest of us!


Can't wait for the new idea's with regards to long term jobless being forced to do community service to come in, we'll get a lot less posters notching up 100+ posts a day after a hard days work, I'll bet!


i agree with what the goverment are doin with jobless making them do community service, but please dont tar everyone with the same brush, i come on here every day but i still have a job .

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Sadly, the OP is just reflecting the current political climate, deliberately engineered by the Conservative/Lib Dem government and their allies in the press, which is to demonise the vulnerable and disadvantaged because of their economic weakness.


I don't blame the OP for being easily influenced by far sharper ConDem minds, we should just remember that 'divide and rule' is the nature of the game being played here. A game that has very real consequences...

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