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Jobless on Sheffield Forum

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I don't see what difference it makes. In the 5 years I've been a member I've had a couple different jobs & sometimes been unemployed. Should I have stopped using it for the times when I haven't had a job? Surely that's when you're at your most bored? Some people might spend all day out looking for work then spend a couple hours each evening on SF... that's plenty enough time to notch up a high post count. I really don't see the point of this thread.

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But you obviously do have a problem with the unemployed, or those you perceive as being unemployed, who in your view are much more prolific at making contributions to this forum than yourself.


How dare these people express an opinion! Aren't they aware that they are required to be in full time employment before they can post on here?


Get a job loser.

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I have no problemswith those who are house wife/husband, or are on here whilst on a day off etc or even posting while at work.


Retired people have a right to do with their days what they wish, also.


Likewise housebound people, for whatever illness, well - I can understand that too.


But some people on here with posts in the 10's of thousands, clearly don't have a job but manage to be holier then thou to the rest of us!


Can't wait for the new idea's with regards to long term jobless being forced to do community service to come in, we'll get a lot less posters notching up 100+ posts a day after a hard days work, I'll bet!


Nice trolling. Very nice.

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