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Mcdonalds parking fine!

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Of course they're aware of it. They are the company that instigated a two-hour maximum to prevent people abusing the car park.


Unfortunately, as many people on here were so quick to point out, it's unenforceable, and therefore people still abuse the car park. Not so much in your case, as you actually were in McDonalds for more than two hours; but some people park in their car parks in a morning and go to work.


Since the car park wasn't "abused" in this case, according to your reasoning, why should the invoice be paid?

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ohh wait for all the comments about it being your own fault!!

Whose fault is it that she parked there for more than two hours?


I can't help but think that you are (knowingly) asking the wrong question.


The correct question would be "whose fault is it that a customer of McDonalds was issued with a threatening letter demanding a penalty payment for parking in an area designated for McDonalds customers to park?"


I would say it was McDonalds.


Whilst I appreciate the fact that they might be hacked off by all the non-customers parking there, whenever a business decides to implement a 'system' that is so simplistic that it in turn hacks off genuine customers, and some of them might decide not to return, then it is a business decision.

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The correct question would be "whose fault is it that a customer of McDonalds was issued with a threatening letter demanding a penalty payment for parking in an area designated for McDonalds customers to park?"


I would say it was McDonalds.


i agree thankyou x

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ohh wait for all the comments about it being your own fault!!, just remember, its an invoice, NOT a fine legally you do NOT have to pay it, and NEVER talk to the company ok!!


If he's telling the truth and he was in McCraps all the time, he should moan to the company. It's perfectly reasonable to be there a couple of hours or more for a kids birthday as long as he's not feeding any kids the food.

That would be child abuse. :D

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i have just recieved a letter through my post, it is a £80 parking fine for parking in a mcdonalds carpark for 2 hours, i was all of this time inside the mcdonalds restaurant which is by a srevice station in derby,!it states the time i arrived and the time i left and that i was there for longer than the maximum period! i never saw any signs stating this and as for being there 2 hours we met my mother and father in law there to celebrate our sons 1st birthday and with doing this inside mcdonalds, we was eating inside mcdonaldsand the kids played in the play area provided and my little one opened his presents and took there time eatin there dinner without bein rushed, but had we been aware of this i would have had to rush the kids to eat there dinner etc just because we cant ark for more than 2 hours!!!!! rediculous!!!


Dont,Dont, Dont, Dont pay it! they where all over watchdog a few weeks ago they cannot inforce it and they would have to prove you was driving your car anyway which they cannot do. Its only an invoice and like the man on watchdog said 'the best thing to do with this is make it into a little paper aeroplane and throw it out the window!'

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